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Lianrepl Lianrepl
Posts 7
Comments 40
What's something that's not common knowledge but you think everyone should know?
  • Yeah i had to search the term to find an english translation for it as it's not my first language and the search results felt a bit off to me... But I'm currently reading a book on it and it really has helped me realize where most of my thought and behavior patterns come from and how to learn to be a better version of myself. It might not be for everyone but it helps me

  • What's something that's not common knowledge but you think everyone should know?

    Specifically thinking of stuff that make your life better in the long run but all kinds of answers are welcome!

    I've recently learnt about lifetraps and it's made a huge positive impact on how I view myself and my relationships

    Baldur's Gate 3 Review Thread
  • My husband is currently playing it on steamdeck and it works just fine!

  • dreaming
  • But how do I learn to start checking if I'm dreaming while I'm dreaming? I have an embarrasing and frustrating reoccurring theme in my dreams and I'd love to know how to stop it when it happens

  • What does everyone do with their old electronics?
  • Most places that sell Electronics in my country will take ewaste and recycle them for you for free

  • Which format of video entertainment do you like better: Television Series or Movies?
  • TV series all the way. The shorter the episodes, the longer i can keep watching. I have a hard time justifying spending an hour to watch one episode of a show but i can sit still for 6+ hours watching 10 minute cartoon episodes.

    I really only watch movies at the threather and only when i already know I'll like the movie

  • Lemmy App for Android
  • Does any of the apps have a way to filter out keywords?

  • Does liftoff have a feature to filter out keywords?

    It's the only requirement i have for an app

    Weekly Anti-Social Meet-Up. General Megathread
  • It's my third week of summer vacation and haven't really left the house that much other than walking the dog and some planned activities. Mostly just me and my husband together but I'm noticing I'm kinda getting fed up with just being around one person 24/7. (i love him don't get me wrong but everything in moderation)

    I'm just finding myself more and more thinking about if I had friends who lived closer, it'd be great to just hit them up and go for a coffee or something. All of my close friends I'm comfortable asking to hang out on short notice live so far that it requires planing days, if not weeks, ahead to hang out.

    Haven't made a single friend on my own since moving to this town 4 years ago, it's so difficult.

  • Do you think social media is necessary or at least useful when connecting with people and making friends?

    I don't really use social media at all. I do have accounts on instagram and Facebook but only use them to occasionally post my art but never any personal posts, while most of the people i know are borderline addicted to sharing every moment of their life online.

    But I've been thinking lately that maybe i should be doing more of that. I think it would be easier to talk to people online and then I'd be more comfortable talking to them face to face.

    But on the other hand.. I feel a bit weird to start posting personal posts suddenly when everyone knows me as someone who doesn't really do that. I generally have a hard time doing something out of what people expect from me.

    This is a bit of a ramble. Anyone have a similar experience/thought process? How do you make friends??

    I suddenly don’t want cake…
  • Wow thanks for explaining how it's made because i was really confused

  • New boots
  • This smells like an ad

  • Sähkön hinta | Pörssisähkö on sunnuntaina iltapäivällä ennätyksellisen halpaa
  • Aijai onpa hyvä lähtökohta sille, että huomenna meilläkin siirrytään pörssisähköön. Toivottavasti jatkuu näin mahdollisimman pitkään.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • For me the current awards system was the number one reason to switch to a 3rd party app. I despise the fact that people paid money for this stuff and i hated the visual clutter.

  • Safety behaviors: What are yours?
  • I tend to be quiet around new people but then I feel like I've already "branded" myself as the quiet one and when I get comfortable enough to have a conversation, i might still not talk because now it feels like too big of a jump from not talking to talking a lot.

    Usually with alcohol I can skip the analyzing step but then there might be a point when I get overwhelmed and I'll just zone out, as if I'm just observing the conversation like a ghost or a fly in the wall.

  • Most of us rn ತ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ತ
  • I'm from kbin and I can see it just fine

  • What's your pets favorite treat?
  • My dog will eat pretty much anything but mal does she love cucumber the most

  • My self-portrait when I just started drawing VS my self-portrait today
  • I love how you drew the face in the new version, especially the lip shape looks cool. The clean and angular approach suits your style

  • Has anyone kept an elephant ear as a house plant?
  • I've had one for like 3 months now and it's been great. Even started blooming recently. I keep it near a large west window and water every 3-4 days.

  • ELI5: Why did LED notification lights silently got removed from phone?
  • I hate the LED and I'm so glad my current phone doesn't have it. It's especially the charging indicator that bothers me because it's so bright at night

  • There should be another lemmings like me out there who already annoyed their couple by talking about how awesome Lemmy and the Fediverse is.
  • My husband finally joined reddit after me talking about it to him for years. Then like a week later i informed him that reddit sucks now and there's this new thing he should check out...

  • Here is my cat Papu, which translates to Bean.


    What do you want the world to be like in 100 years?

    The thread about what world will be like in 100 year was so depressing to read so let's spin it in a positive way.

    What kind of positive progression could realistically be happening in the next 100 years?

    Internet parents Lianrepl

    What is something you wish you'd have learned before living on your own?

    Hey! Let's get this community posting! I'll start with this question.

    Don't hesitate to ask and give advice on this magazine. Let's try to recreate the wholesome and super helpful community that r/internetparents was

    Ps. I'm not one of the mods from reddit. If anyone is or knows one of the mods from r/internetparents I'd be happy to hand over the reins of this magazine!


    What are your favorite magazines on kbin/fediverse?

    Hey, I'm new here and still looking for content to subscribe to! I found this magazine (i hope I'm using the terms correctly) and i like this idea of an open chat space.

    What type of content do you like? Any recommendations for maybe funny pics and videos or otherwise interesting content?
