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LennethAegis LennethAegis

Queer transfem into tech, games and anime

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Comments 12
Adulthood sucks
  • I've always been a fan of the war hammer. You have the crushing end and the stabbing end, so versatile.

  • Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • That feels like too far in the other direction. Rather than open internet access, there should be a district-wide intranet or at least just a proper whitelist of allowed sites, but of course that would require a proper IT department and would be too costly for most schools.

  • There is no such thing as a TERF fungus
  • Fungus TERFs be like, "ThErE aRe OnLy 6561 gEnDeRs"

  • There is no such thing as a TERF fungus
  • 23k sexes that's fascinating, so I looked it up:
    They have two sex genes, named A and B, each of these have have an allele (alternate form) called alpha and beta. So combined there are 4 unique spots in the gene to look at. A-alpha, A-beta, B-alpha, and B-beta. Each of these can have variations, with A-beta having 32 and the rest 9. 32 x 9 x 9 x 9 = 23328 unique sexes

    So describing your sex would look something like A-alpha-1, A-beta-8, B-alpha-3, B-beta-5.

  • TIL although the idea that Adam and Eve ate an apple is common, the Book of Genesis never mentions the identity of the forbidden fruit.
  • Can't have light without dark. Can't have good without evil. Otherwise you just have boring stagnation. God likes chaos and excitement, not boring safety.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Windows 11 serving me ads in the OS was a step too far. Windows 10 already had them as apps in every update that annoyed me, but 11 took them to a new level that was too far for me.

  • Human Rule
  • This feels like a lovecraftian story. You gained forbidden knowledge but lost your humanity in exchange.

  • what's your favorite thing to put ketchup on that isn't fries?
  • As a hispanic person, ketchup on fried plantains was common for me growing up.

  • Milky Deadpool
  • It feels like such a meme at this point for a Marvel villain to lose all nuance and just turn into a one note murder everything villain for the 3rd act. It didn't have to be this way.

  • KOSA is dead! (US)
  • That and good old reactive contrarianism. Dems say yes, we say no.

  • Russia launches "social rating" platform to determine a person’s comparative “social status”
  • Yeah, I was thinking Black Mirror too. Looked it up, Season 3e1, Nosedive.