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Kootta Kootta
Posts 10
Comments 29
I finally decided to try a Pilot Metropolitan... and I hate it :(
  • It's possible you got a fake? There were a couple of reviews saying they went through a similar experience and the only tell was the packaging it came in.

    I actually purchased a pilot metropolitan and it worked really well after a few mins of getting the ink to flow through it.

    My only gripe is that it has an odd quirk with certain strokes but a lot of reviews mentioned this.

  • Ultraviolet | Development Preview #11
  • Was hoping they would buff up glow sticks to not just be useless after the first minute .

    It would be nice if they stayed strong for much longer.

  • Anyone tried to switch from controller to keyboard and mouse (Diablo 4)
  • I actually tried this and it didnt work.

    I played a lot of similar games and they all have that. I was surprised Diablo didnt. Maybe I disabled it?

  • I want to get a second dock. Are third party options good?
  • I use a 3rd party one without any issues for my PC.

    I do have an official adapter for power though. I've seen too many folks kill there's with 3rd party ones.

  • Annual Anime Expo returns to LA Convention Center
  • God, I used to love going to AX.

    I used to have so much fun going through the stalls looking for stuff that was hard to find online and finding things that I didn't know existed.

    It now feels like every stall carries things easily found online at a way lower cost.

  • Anyone tried to switch from controller to keyboard and mouse (Diablo 4)
  • I switched to controller recently because of this and not being able to stand in place and attack without moving.

    I honestly feel controller is a lot more enjoyable. My only gripe is navigating the inventory but it's such a non issue when your mouse is right there.

  • You don't have to be "nice" but can we at least not be dicks?
  • As much as you want folks to play fairly you're going to have to come to terms that some people find playing the game by making others miserable and move on.

    It absolutely sucks but the last thing you should be doing is feeding into these folks. If you give no reaction they dont really thrive off the matches.

  • YSK a free, lightweight alternative to Spotify
  • I'm assuming you are in a region where ads aren't pushed.

    I have a couple of friends who use Spotify free and they always joke about some of the ads.

  • Looks like it's the sweet potato flavor.

    I know they have a flan flavor for the Halloween break line. Probably would have been a lot better lol

  • Cape Starling at San Diego Zoo
  • These little fellow was so social.

    Just following folks around and watching them intently.

    Turns out he was waiting for some dropped popcorn.

  • Cape Starling at San Diego Zoo


    End Transmission Dev Update

    It’s been almost a week since the debut of the End Transmission Chapter. We’ve been keeping a close eye out for feedback since the launch, and we are already preparing a few balance changes for an upcoming update. Today, we’ll take a moment to run through each of the adjustments we have made and give some explanation as to why we are making them.

    But first, let’s cover a few trends we’ve noticed:

    The Singularity’s Biopods are often disabled, making it difficult to use its Power. Holding an EMP offers a Survivor too much protection against The Singularity’s Power, allowing them to quickly and easily remove Slipstream and disable Biopods while being chased.

    For the former, we made some incremental changes between the Public Test Build (PTB) and live release, reducing the number of Supply Cases and increasing the time it takes for them to print. We needed to be careful since making EMPs too hard to get could have the opposite problem of removing counterplay from Survivors. Now that we’ve had some time to see how these tweaks have played out, we feel comfortable reducing the frequency of EMPs even further. We have:

    Reduced the number of Supply Cases to 4 (was 5). Increased EMP Generation time to 100 seconds (was 90 seconds). Reduced the duration of disabled Biopods to 45 seconds (was 60 seconds).

    With these adjustments combined, EMPs will be less readily available and leave Biopods disabled for a shorter period of time. Survivors will still be able to defend themselves against Biopods in key locations, but they will want to use them strategically as to not waste them.

    Second, we have noticed a developing strategy where Survivors would hold an EMP at all times and only use it once the Killer attempts to tag them with a Temporal Slipstream during a chase. Although we like the options this provides, it can make chasing a Survivor holding an EMP a little underwhelming since your Power is effectively “blocked” until the EMP is used. To make this strategy a little more risky, we’ve done the following:

    Increased the time to charge an EMP to 2.5 seconds (was 2 seconds). New effect: Survivors are now slowed by 10% when charging the EMP.

    With this in mind, saving your EMP for a chase becomes a lot more dangerous. While you may remove your Slipstream, the Killer will also catch up much quicker and potentially get a hit. If you decide to use your EMP defensively, you’ll want to plan ahead and use it when the time is right.

    Each of the changes mentioned in this post will be available in the upcoming 7.0.1 Bugfix Patch. Stay tuned to our channels for more information when the update is available! As always, we’ll be monitoring for feedback once these tweaks go live, so be sure to let us know how they feel.

    Until next time…

    The Dead by Daylight team


    Twisted Masquerade delayed. Now Jun. 22nd

    End Transmission
  • Honestly, the best way to use them is against someone they're chasing.

    I've seen so many chases last longer than they need to because people follow and EMP the person being chased.

    Right next to that is using the EMP right after you were infected by a pod. The Singularity can't teleport right away after a pod shots out a ball so you can kill two birds with one stone and waste their time waiting to slipstream.

  • What's your current build(s)?
  • Botany Knowledge Prove Thyself Windows of Opportunity Residual Manifest

    Healing changes made me keep Botany as I find teammates doing fuck all if they don't get get healed.

    Prove Thyself cause I find a lot of killers just jamming slowdowns since the perk changes began.

    Windows has been my crutch perk since Kate released. I saw a huge rise in usage since the last shakeup so I fear this may get nerfed.

    Residual is my only free slot I change around. Just trying to learn how to use a flashlight at the moment. Don't want Killers getting scared and bringing Lightborn.

  • End Transmission
  • The Singularity can be so oppressive in the right hands.

    I went up against one who could hold a 3gen across maps pretty damn well.

    The EMPs definitely need to be adjusted because there were times we could coordinate well enough to shut down his ability. Problem is I've seen just how crazy he gets when you don't have them in hand. The overclock is no fucking joke.

    I think the chapter is a good one and it's nice to see them take feedback and apply some tweaks right away.

    I'm hoping a change to Made for This will be made. Definitely don't agree in getting a free haste for just being hurt.

  • Please let me pretend you were a cool homie
  • It be like that sometimes .

    Best to just move on or stop letting folks farm. Sometimes it's best to just hook and get the next match going.

  • Attack on Titan Cosmetics Leaving Store

    Honestly surprised it was in the store for so long. Here's hoping the sale is a meaningful amount of a discount.

    Which GW2 community is going to be the ONE?
  • I'm sure each instance has it's preferred way of how they want to run things.

    Eventually one of them will thrive more than others or they'll all be able to coexist.

    I think it would be best to let them organically grow and see where it goes .

  • Twisted Masquerade 2023

    Dogowner wants someone to pay to live in their house AND take care of their dog.
  • So they want someone to rent through AirBnB and also take care of their dog?

    They must be lovely folks to be around.

  • Primary Buffer Panel
  • It does !

    I do see an image .

  • I love the June gloom
  • I feel like we've been blessed by the weather so far.

    Actual showers during spring and some nice gloomy weather before the heat of the summer.

    Here's hoping fall is actually cold and winter be freezing \0/

  • Does anyone actually like the "Momir" thing?
  • What an odd format. I can see why it's online only.

    Definitely want to see it in action to get a better understanding.

  • Does anyone actually like the "Momir" thing?
  • What's the momir thing?

  • Patch Notes 7.0.0

    Patch notes are up.


    New BP Code Dropped

    Go nuts I suppose


    I love the June gloom

    I'm tired of folks complaining about it. Give me the shelter of clouds and the cool of the wind .

    Make it feel like fall while it's actually cold. Tired of the damn fall heat.


    Any good written info on 6th Job?

    Anyone have a good place to find written info on 6th job?
