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KanaMauna KanaMauna

Faceless bureaucrat dude who likes sciencey things, beaches, and dogs. Meanwhile, my dogs believe I am their chauffeur who must drive them to the beach right now!

Mask up Buttercup.

\#aranet4 owner \#SJSU #Milpitas #SFBayArea #SFBA

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Comments 2
Hallway, NYC, 2014.
  • @[email protected]

    I find this terrifying. And you would always know what your neighbor is cooking.

  • AT&T Long Lines "Oak Hill" Tower, San Jose, CA, 2021.
  • @[email protected]

    When I was a kid, we'd drive by that tower every Sunday on our way to my grandmother's house. There were a lot of brutalist structures around back then and I never realized it was an unique design. Thanks for the memories.