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Jamie Jamie
Posts 5
Comments 448
This truly is the year of the linux desktop
  • There are heretical forks that add it in though

  • Marketing email's subject made me think my card got hacked
  • Escalate to management as quickly as possible so you're not just annoying some poor front desk worker that had nothing to do with it.

  • E3, once gaming’s biggest expo, is officially dead
  • E3 has been garbage on all levels for like 10 years, it's for the best.

  • Light-Speed Spaceships Would Have Trouble Phoning Home
  • They're probably referring to quantum entanglement, which affects the entangled particles instantly.

  • Light-Speed Spaceships Would Have Trouble Phoning Home
  • By the time we invent any sort of lightspeed travel, we'll have long conquered quantum entanglement. If you have a signal transferred over a properly quantum entangled technology, the signal would transfer instantaneously.

  • What the actual f*** is this Rockstar?
  • It's already beatable right now, there are services in third world countries where people get paid fractions of a penny to solve captchas for machines.

  • Disinformation is the 'threat of a generation,' but Canada is struggling to deal with it: National security adviser
  • Fools are easily parted with their money, and I typically view a lot of misinformation as ways to seek out those exact fools. Not all of it, but a lot.

    Take a bunch of crazy people that polite society doesn't agree with, make them feel seen, and they throw money at you.

  • Ctrl+Alt+T
  • At the time I decided on it, I used Sakura as a terminal emulator, plus it's on the home row. I use a different term emulator now, but the muscle memory remains.

  • Ctrl+Alt+T
  • Super + S for a terminal, Super + F for Firefox.

  • Gore-Tex is a Marketing Gimmick
  • Interesting to find a RyanF9 video here and not in a motorcycle community. But yeah, probably most people here don't have much interest in Gore-Tex unless they ride or do other outdoorsy things.

  • Discord users are cancelling their Nitro after new mobile layout update
  • I would say of the services to give money to, Discord is on the lesser evil side.

    Sure, they lock a bunch of stuff behind Nitro, but they're at least only giving people ads for their own stuff and not scams or dong pills. Because if nobody paid for anything, that money would have to come from somewhere.

  • HP TV ads claim its printers are 'made to be less hated'
  • The only thing more eco-friendly than buying an eco-friendly printer, is to not buy a new printer at all.

    Both of my local libraries offer printing at $0.25 a page. For photos, I just go to the photo lab at the store and print them there.

    Both are cheaper than owning a printer unless you're doing a ton of it, and in the former case, I get to support a library just a little bit.

  • Windows 10 support doesn't end in 2025 after all, if you pay up
  • Even though the limitation on TPM is completely arbitrary, and anyone sufficiently savvy can bypass it in a few ways.

    But most people are not that, so I guess the Linux crowd will embrace all those computers with open arms.

  • Asking ChatGPT to Repeat Words ‘Forever’ Is Now a Terms of Service Violation
  • Speaking for LLMs, given that they operate on a next-token basis, there will be some statistical likelihood of spitting out original training data that can't be avoided. The normal counter-argument being that in theory, the odds of a particular piece of training data coming back out intact for more than a handful of words should be extremely low.

    Of course, in this case, Google's researchers took advantage of the repeat discouragement mechanism to make that unlikelihood occur reliably, showing that there are indeed flaws to make it happen.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Accumulated knowledge in our society really is frail. Take a computer mouse, tons of people are involved in making them, they're considered extremely simple tools. Yet not one person on the planet could go out into nature, get the natural resources required, and without help turn those resources into a working computer mouse.

  • Asking ChatGPT to Repeat Words ‘Forever’ Is Now a Terms of Service Violation
  • I'm not an expert, but I would say that it is going to be less likely for a diffusion model to spit out training data in a completely intact way. The way that LLMs versus diffusion models work are very different.

    LLMs work by predicting the next statistically likely token, they take all of the previous text, then predict what the next token will be based on that. So, if you can trick it into a state where the next subsequent tokens are something verbatim from training data, then that's what you get.

    Diffusion models work by taking a randomly generated latent, combining it with the CLIP interpretation of the user's prompt, then trying to turn the randomly generated information into a new latent which the VAE will then decode into something a human can see, because the latents the model is dealing with are meaningless numbers to humans.

    In other words, there's a lot more randomness to deal with in a diffusion model. You could probably get a specific source image back if you specially crafted a latent and a prompt, which one guy did do by basically running img2img on a specific image that was in the training set and giving it a prompt to spit the same image out again. But that required having the original image in the first place, so it's not really a weakness in the same way this was for GPT.

  • Rapper Akon's promise to build a Black Panther inspired city falters
  • I asked ChatGPT to generate a utopic looking city but make the buildings curvy. It got pretty close.

  • Dungeons & Dragons co-op multiplayer game on the way from Payday devs
  • Really says something that, according to steamcharts numbers, Payday 2 has over 10x the current playercount than Payday 3 right now. Even peak, Payday 3 has 3,475, whereas Payday 2 has 34,680.

    And as far as D&D video games go... Baldur's Gate 3 already mastered that niche. I'll keep an eye out if it sounds impressive, but I don't see it living up to the same standard. Even then, going to a game shop and playing with real people around a table can't be beat, either.

  • How do you justify continually using take out delivery services?
  • I consider it occasionally, then remember I'm paying a ton more to save like, 15 minutes. Then I just go get it.

  • An AI Singer-Songwriter Just Debuted Her Original Song—And The Responses Are Just Brutal
  • I accidentally submitted early, but also, I wrote out the lyrics. It's the most bland version of those breakup-depression kind of songs imaginable. I guess people voted it as "feel-good" out of irony.

    Sitting at my favorite cafe

    Sipping my tea it's saturday

    Thinking about all he's done, to everyone

    This town is full of broken dreams

    Shattered hopes, and silent screams

    Somebody please help me

    Betrayed by this town

    Let's tear it all down

    We're all just destined to fall

    I've lost it all

    Betrayed by this town

    Let's tear it all down

    We're all just destined to fall

    We've lost it all

    Alone in the streets, alone in my thoughts

    Thinking of all our favorite spots

    I thought someday things might turn around

    But I was lost and never found

    Betrayed by this town

    Let's tear it all down

    We're all just destined to fall

    I've lost it all

    Betrayed by this town

    Let's tear it all down

    We're all just destined to fall

    We've lost it all

    Faces painted with smiles

    Lies are told

    A facade of unity

    A vitality sold

    So I sit here in silence

    Just wondering how

    To rewrite the tales

    This town won't allow

    Betrayed by this town

    Let's tear it all down

    We're all just destined to fall

    I've lost it all

    Betrayed by this town

    Let's tear it all down

    We're all just destined to fall

    We've lost it all

    I've lost it all

    We've lost it all

  • What are some good computer literacy resources I can point someone to?

    At my work, I have an employee that struggles with several aspects of the office work parts of the job. She's got almost no basic computer literacy, and only recently was able to create new folders consistently. She also can't really use Excel at all.

    She wants to learn, and I spent my whole youth on computers, but I can't spare the hours to teach her everything from the ground up at work. I've done a little YouTube searching to check for basic computing tutorials, but I haven't found anything at a basic enough level yet to be useful to her. I'm sure they exist, but are just eluding me. I think for her, something she can watch and maybe follow along with might be the best option.


    WARNING: Lemmy Self-Hosters, There Have Been CSAM Attacks taking place against [email protected]

    cross-posted from:

    > There have been users spamming CSAM content in [email protected] causing it to federate to other instances. If your instance is subscribed to this community, you should take action to rectify it immediately. I recommend performing a hard delete via command line on the server. > > I deleted every image from the past 24 hours personally, using the following command: sudo find /srv/lemmy/ -type f -ctime -1 -exec shred {} \;

    Note: Your local jurisdiction may impose a duty to report or other obligations. Check with these, but always prioritize ensuring that the content does not continue to be served.


    Apparently the Lemmy Shitpost community is shut down as of now.


    WARNING: Lemmy Self-Hosters, There Have Been CSAM Attacks taking place against [email protected]

    There have been users spamming CSAM content in [email protected] causing it to federate to other instances. If your instance is subscribed to this community, you should take action to rectify it immediately. I recommend performing a hard delete via command line on the server.

    I deleted every image from the past 24 hours personally, using the following command: sudo find /srv/lemmy/ -type f -ctime -1 -exec shred {} \;

    Note: Your local jurisdiction may impose a duty to report or other obligations. Check with these, but always prioritize ensuring that the content does not continue to be served.


    Apparently the Lemmy Shitpost community is shut down as of now.


    Mental Outlaw just made a video about Lemmy


    Missing comments from subscribed community on another instance?

    I do the majority of my Lemmy use on my own personal instance, and I've noticed that some threads are missing comments, some large threads, even large quantities of them. Now, I'm not talking about comments not being present when you first subscribe/discover a community to your instance, in this case, I noticed it with a thread that popped up less than a day ago, very well after I subscribed.

    At the time of writing, that thread has 361 comments. When I view the same thread on my instance, I can see 118, that's a large swathe of missing content for just one thread. I can use the search feature to forcibly resolve a particular comment to my instance and reply to it, but that defeats a lot of the purpose behind having my own instance.

    So has anyone else noticed something similar happening? I know my instance hasn't gone down since I created it, so it couldn't be that.
