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JackiesFridge Jackie's Fridge

If you see me somewhere please let me know. I've no idea where I went.

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Sonia Sotomayor Is Trying to Warn Us About the Supreme Court’s Dirtiest Open Secret
  • The issue I have with Dems NOT stacking the court given the chance is that the GOP absolutely would - and might still if they wanted to future-proof their stranglehold. Stack the court. Get a shim in place (SCOTUS term limits, oversight, anything). Don't worry about what the GOP might do, worry about what they ARE doing and maybe try getting ahead of the problem for a change.

  • Supreme Court weakens federal regulators with Chevron overturning, threatening net neutrality, right to repair, big tech regulation, and more
  • Yup, that Open Args deep dive into chevron deference was an eye opener and called this one years ago. Sucks AT turned out to be That Guy.

  • Texas school district agrees to remove ‘Anne Frank’s Diary,’ ‘Maus’ and 670 other books after right-wing group’s complaint
  • Fun fact: the events in Anne Frank's diary and Maus actually happened. They are far more valuable than the Goat Herder's Guide to the Galaxy.

  • Oh Joe...
  • Agreed, but the "I only vote third party" people never think about elections unless it's the presidential election (gestures vaguely around), when it's far too late. This is work that needs to start at a local level to build the party slowly and methodically on a solid foundation and integrate it into the system through numbers and results. Americans just don't have the attention span.

  • Oh Joe...
  • Four years MIGHT be enough time to finally establish a viable third party, but it's gonna take work.

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • You're right, of course. Patent illustrations traditionally show the item only from behind.

  • Tips for entering full time work for the first time
  • Check the employee handbook for details and definitions to see how they view PTO, etc. When I was originally hired they said my salary was calculated based on a 45-hour work week. While I usually fall an hour short, I do tend to work through my lunches (eat at my desk as I catch up on email or other lighter work) and there are a couple late nights or weekend events each year that balance that out.

    Now: if I work a weekend event, I am told to take the equivalent time off elsewhere. That's fair, and it's nice to have the time back. If I have a dentist appointment or something, I can just go and come back. If I have to do an errand while shops are open, I can do that. As long as my work gets done it's all good.

    For day to day, I tend to show up & leave at the same time. They like that since it's predictable for them. I'm usually a few minutes early and go home when I reach a stopping point. I found a vintage talking clock from the late 80s that still works and have it on my desk. I originally got it to annoy my office-mate but she thinks it's funny and it actually reminds us to head home on time. Setting a recurring alarm to remind you it's quitting time might help.

    Overall I find salaried work more laid back, and setting your own routine helps keep a little structure for peace of mind. Just communicate to your supervisor about your comings & goings so they know how to plan.

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • Atheism is the rejection of an assertion that there is a god or gods. If any theists were able to prove the existence of a god, an atheist would (hopefully) change their mind. Rejecting all gods until their existence can be proven is hardly inconsistent.

    I reject as true books that say the X-Men exist. Those are first hand sources, but that does not mean the stories they contain are true, even though they are more morally consistent than most popular religious texts. I have not read the X-Men but that is no reason to assume they are true.

    Extraordinary assertions such as a devine being existing require extraordinary proof. No religions have managed to provide more than heresay, anecdotal evidence, and assumption to support their claoms. Religious reasoning is as best motivated, and hardly consistent itself.

    My opinion is based on how world religions are used by their followers and those in power. All I see is religion used as a tools to control, intimidate, otherise, and war with any group considered "not us" - no matter the religion. I have read summaries of the Bible, Quaran, and Book of Mormon. There is nothing of note in any of them. Any possible good advice or dictate has long since been rephrased, refined, and adopted by society. The beauty of a thing is in its utility, and the use I see religion put to buy those in power is ugly. I want nothing to do with poisonous dogma, and instead choose to try making life better for those around me by direct action. Not by wishing for a god to do so, or wasting this precious life gambling that their might be something better after it ends.

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • I don't have to read a religious text to know it's not true, and though you may have been lucky enough to grow up untainted by society, these books have not. The issue with going to sources so entrenched in studying religious text is that they are already tainted by the need to keep the text alive. Should they cast any doubt at all their livelihood will vanish.

    No religion has ever offered verifiable proof of any supernatural claim. Once they do I will pay attention.

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • Apologies for my assumption of your holy book of choice. You realise the Qur'an is the "sequel" to the Bible, which was itself derivative of the Torah, which was based on more ancient myths, etc etc. All of them passed down verbally for generations before written, all of them changed to suit the storytellers' needs, and all of them FAR from flawless. Historical and scientific inaccuracies aside, none of them are even internally consistent. I have difficulty believing you have applied objective, critical thought to any religious text.

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • It sounds like you are firmly entrenched in your religion. I'm glad you enjoy reading Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek, but it turns out people tend to skew in one of two directions: those without a propensity for analytical thought tend to skew religious - for example, the children in the study you cite - and those who think critically reject religion. There's even a paper on this.

    If your religion brings you happiness and peace, more power to you. However, I would encourage you to rethink your ideas on logic and science illiteracy. Consider that it might actually be very difficult in a world & countless communities built around religion for someone to break away from that social norm, analyse religion objectively, and reject an idea that cannot be proven.

  • 376 boys in blue sat around and let 19 kids and 2 teachers die
  • Guns as a subscription model is one of the most American things I've heard lately.

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • I'm on a 3-person marketing team for a local company. It's almost all content creation (designing internal docs, benefits and employee handbooks, on-location signs, promotional items, videos, engaging social media content) and the higher-ups are willing to let us try silly garbage if it's clever & engaging.

    We also spend a lot of time crafting accessible communication (how-tos, breakdowns of charities we support and how, what events we have coming up) to make it easier for our employees as well as retail and industry customers & partners to figure us out and get the most out of what we have to offer.

    I always thought marketing meant trying to sell people stuff they don't need, but it's mostly just us trying to make sure the people who are interested can hear us through the din on the chance we can help.

  • A Friend Got Me This Skirt For My Birthday And I Wanted To Share
  • Adorable skirt that you 100% rock AND it has pockets? Keep that friend.

  • Feeling lost and with no direction, what skill should I learn?
  • Thank you for introducing me to a new (to me) band! Yeah, life can be kind of a roller coaster, and everyone's interests ebb and flow (as you've discovered with yourself and your bandmates). Sadly we only have so much energy to roll with it, and I'm sorry you're at a low energy area right now. Those suck, and it is VERY difficult to battle inertia and muscle back into the fray.

    Art is kinda cruel in the way that it makes you choose - familiar and possibly uninspiring, or new and possibly a frustrating dead end. The reason I mentioned the M8 was largely due to its pocketability. It's not much bigger than a large smartphone but it's a whole production device with instant-on and a sensible design. Work on stuff during lunch, at the park, on the bus, etc. But there is a learning curve, so spending a lot of energy you might not have may get frustrating if it doesn't click right away.

    One thing you might try is suggesting gentle deadlines or challenges for yourself and your bandmates - like write a catchy 10-second jingle by the end of the week. Or parody the chorus of an existing song by the end of your next phone call. A deadline for something silly is easier to meet, and you all would have created something and had a little fun.

    There are a lot of amazing people here suggesting different things you can do, and I notice a lot of their ideas are creative activities. I think you can land on any of those and find satisfaction. There's no high like creation. No matter what, remember that things always change. If you're at a low point, it can't last forever, especially if you keep powering through it. You'll come out ahead.

  • Feeling lost and with no direction, what skill should I learn?
  • Holy cats - just bought Night City Redux on Bandcamp. Great stuff!

    If you're burnt out on music making, have you tried other ways of creating? Like if you're used to a DAW, invest in hardware like a groovebox or a handheld tracker (my current love is the Dirtywave M8) or something. Try modular (but don't, it's expensive) or some weird boutique noise machine. Or dive into orchestral instruments and perfecting a classical music performance.

    It could be a way to defamiliarise yourself and make music creation new again.

  • The police need this for...?
  • Patrick tends to later his wry social commentary - that is 100% on purpose.

  • Sandy Hook families ask bankruptcy judge to liquidate Alex Jones' media company
  • You made me read that in his voice using nothing but all-caps

  • Trump Goes on Crazy Truth Social Rant That Makes Zero Sense and It's Obvious He's a Confused, Demented Old Man
  • Joseph Smith died in prison, but the Mormons are still going strong. It's tough to deter a cult.