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Hanabie Hanabie
Posts 1
Comments 28
Is it just me or has Lemmy become more negative and less fun?
  • Yeah I'm running a Japanese Metal community on my other account, and out of all the posts, less than a handful are not by me. I already gave up on creating content, only posting there when I discover a cool new band or song, or when my favorites bring out new songs. Small hobby communities are having a rough time on Lemmy/Kbin.

  • Is it just me or has Lemmy become more negative and less fun?
  • Same for me. The day RIF made its first announcement, I shredded my complete post/comment history that overwrote them with random BS. When RIF shut down, I deleted my account. Been here ever since. It's really not too bad, if you just resolutely block the most notorious crossposters, and always block any community/user you don't want to read content from.

  • German museum in racism row over partial ban of white people
  • How is that even legal in Germany?

  • What do you call Marshmallow in your native language?
  • マシュマロ


  • Russian soldier admits proudly his comrades were killing POWs
  • The only gymnastics here are happening in your head.

  • Russian soldier admits proudly his comrades were killing POWs
  • You need to return to lemmygrad.

  • Leute die ä, ö, ü als ae, oe und ue schreiben, was ist falsch mit euch?
  • Ich lebe in Japan und hab dementsprechend nur ne Japanische Tastatur.
    (DE IME Tastaturbelegungen kann ich mir nicht merken... -, ^ oder : sind ue oder oe, und keine Ahnung wo der Rest ist)

  • neko yakuza (catbox hq re-upload)
  • It means "sword" (katana)

  • "That" game
  • Paper Boy on the C64. Then Lemmings on the Amiga 500. The Wing Commander 2 on the PC.

  • Ah shit, here we go again...
  • 1D4 Piercing Damage

  • Why exactly did the android community's mods decide to basically leave world?
  • Unless you're on Kbin, which is not federated.

  • Is there any one else who feels like their life has been disrupted by this whole debacle with Reddit.
  • What I liked about reddit was its "googleability". You had a question and found an answer without reading through an endless article that winds it's way through rephrasing your question 5 times, adds extensive biographies of everyone mentioned, the wider history of the problem and the author's grandmother, all to pad the article and have you scroll through more adds.

    But now there's ChatGPT, so most of my "googling" can be done that way, and I don't have to scroll through walls of puns or "this is the way" or "thanks for the gold, kind stranger", or "take my updoot and get out". I wonder how much of that bullshit were bots, anyway.

  • How will we keep Meta out of the fediverse?
  • I'll definitely be on an instance that's not federated with Meta. Right now, I have accounts on, .world and .ee, but I'd drop any and all of them the moment I find out they'll federate with them.

  • YouTube tests disabling videos for people using ad blockers
  • I bought premium just so my wife and me can listen to music while commuting. Not having to rely on ublock origin (which I still have on my desktop at home) is a nice extra, but mobile was my main concern. I'd like to keep the usage of tools like Vanced at a minimum. They could stop working on the one day when I'm stuck in a train for hours.

  • “Reddit cannot survive without its moderators. It cannot.” - The Verge
  • I'd been using RES to overwrite, then delete all my posts and comments every few weeks for the last years. If Reddit tried to restore any of my stuff, even if they went past the overwrite nonsense strings, they most likely only caught a fraction of it.

  • Top of r/all
  • Yeah, but Kbin has "reputation", which is very similar to karma. The whole voting business, while useful for post/comment sorting and collection of metrics, also gives bad incentives and delivers data also great for bot farms. I'd be happy if it didn't exist at all.

  • What's your lemmy app of choice?
  • I'm using Liftoff.

  • Bahn-Vorstand: Pünktlichkeit wie in Japan unerreichbar
  • Ich bezahle jeweils 1000 Yen zur und von der Arbeit (kA was das gerade in Euro ist, 8?). Das sind 50km Luftlinie, dauert ungefähr 80 Minuten. Wenn hier der Zug zu spät kommt, ist irgendwas vorgefallen, auf das JREast keinen Einfluss hat.

    Natürlich muss man dazu sagen, dass die ganze Infrastruktur darauf angewiesen ist, dass der Laden läuft. Hier fährt fast jeder mit dem Zug, weil's einfach zuverlässig und sicher ist, und idr auch pünktlich. Die DB hingegen ist für Reisende ausgelegt, in einem von Autos dominierten Land.

  • /kbin meta Hanabie



    I created the community “Japanese Metal”\_metal The problem is, it can’t be found on several other instances. I tried on and, and both return a “not found”. What’s wrong? Is there anything I can do to fix it?

    Thanks in advance.

