An unrepentant globalist who supports universal human rights and multilateral institutions.
Better hope I'm not on the jury.
Well, that’s just.... like... your opinion, man.
He and Musk will Make Pollution Great Again.
I think we've solved it several times but ignorance stops the implementation. France reprocesses, but other countries are scared to ship to be reprocessed. The US built Yucca Mountain then we failed to commission it.
The overwhelming majority of "nuclear waste" can be reprocessed into more fuel. We simply choose not to in many countries.
Nuclear waste does nothing but sit and become less radioactive. It doesn't harm our food, our air, or warm our planet.
What TV shows or movies best exemplify simple living?
I'm not much of a media consumer, and when I am I find Youtube channels better exemplify the simple living lifestyle (plenty out of Japan). However, every once in a while I stumble upon characters or plots in mainstream media that resonate with my simple living values. Years ago, I truly enjoyed the film Under the Tuscan Sun (though the book was vastly different and superior). More recently, I have been enthralled with the television series Somebody Somewhere.
What series or films do you enjoy that best encapsulate your simple living ideals?
I disagree completely. This text is oddly biased and in parts, completely false. It also dates from 2021.
Nuclear power is the single safest power source ever devised and does not suffer from intermittency. The fearmongering from anti-nuclear, anti-science campaigners in the 1970s was nothing but a gift to coal and advanced climate change by five years.
Climate change is an existential threat. Nuclear power is one of the answers.
Chronic stress boosts stroke risk In young women, study says
Chronic stress can increase young women's risk of stroke, a new study says.
Of course Canada needs to leave. Do Canadian politicians think the US will supply it with parts as it invades?
Buy some Gripen and/or Eurofighters and join GCAP.
Argentina's port city of Bahia Blanca has been "destroyed" after being pummeled by a year's worth of rain in a matter of hours, killing 13 and driving hundreds from their homes, authorities said Saturday.

I thought French's leases part of the former Heinz plant in Leamington, ON and uses tomatoes from the local greenhouses.
CBC made a mini-documentary about it:
I wouldn't assume any processed food is devoid of American ingredients that doesn't explicitly state this.
I made oatmeal for breakfast today....
Not the fancy quick kind, but the slow, rolled oats kind which is lower on the glycemic index.
As I was eating it plain, I noticed that it was cooler than usual while the humidity wasn't bad.
Seizing this rare opportunity in the South, I opened my doors and windows, threw caution to the wind, and kept cooking. One nice lentil stew and some baked salmon later (which I will enjoy for lunch and dinner), I closed up the house knowing that I saved maybe $0.10 in air conditioning.
Not all heroes wear capes gentlemen.
An MIT-led study confirms the Antarctic ozone layer is healing as a direct result of global efforts to reduce ozone-depleting substances.

When I was born in 1993, one-third of people in the United Kingdom said they “would not want homosexual neighbors”. Today, that’s less than 5%.

It also burns more coal than the rest of the planet combined.
Tougher laws said to be inspiring clandestine attacks on the ‘property and machinery’ of the fossil fuel economy

The answer is they were a wealthy European concept brought to the colonies as a status symbol. They are still associated with wealthier people which raises property values, so are enshrined in local ordinances and HOA rules.
So many union votes went to this man.
I hope the thought of having stopped a qualified woman of color keeps these union members warm when they lose working wages.
Goodness, I hope my basic human rights don't become too unpopular.
I thought Trump announced a plan of genocide to allow for his fantasy of bearded belly-dancers per the video he posted.
Yes, chocolate and coffee are more carbon intensive than poultry. That said, meats still make up 56% of GHG in the diet including plant agriculture feedstock and are outsized contributors to heart disease.
As a result, I would start there and optimize for plants later.
- Track what you eat over a week.
- Go pretend grocery shopping for those items and add up the costs.
- If you want to save money, learn to cook and buy staples (rice, pasta, pinto beans) in bulk. Just ensure you have insect-proof containers for them.