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FranklinsBeard Franklin's Beard

The beard told me to do the New Deal

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Comments 19
The Perception Paradox: Men Who Hate Feminists Think Feminists Hate Men
  • And most women under 30 are terrified of men in general

  • degree in bamf
  • Then everyone clapped

  • there's a reason it's "hard out there" you know
  • Yep and it's people like OP that only serve to reinforce their us vs them mentality. The political movements that paint masculinity as evil, or just simply stupid, paint with too broad of a brush. The western world moved mountains to understand and fix things like a lack of women in STEM - to the point that it became a meme. And likewise, society at large is so downright hostile to the struggle of the average joe who tries to do what society asked of him and talk about his problems that it's also become a meme.

    The fact that they don't see the dangerous appeal of a man who claims to have all the answers reminds me of another time in history. The "morally righteous" will fail us again.

  • Jailing Elsa was right decision
  • Arguing over the morality of a children's movie and commenting on porn? all on one account? That sounds like homeschooling to me!

  • Joe Biden is hemmed in by legal consequences
  • I'd bet money that Biden beats Trump. If the GOP was smart they'd put him against Hailey, but we know that's never gonna happen. I think the GOP is going to get BTFO as a matter of fact. so much that it will reduce GOP voter turnout for an entire generation. GOP voters are riding an artificial high and the crash is gonna be awesome to watch

  • True to life
  • That's my mom. She doesn't really think about stuff like that at all. I still get bullied by my dad whenever I date black people or any POC and I'm well into my 20's.

  • Opinion: As an American in Avdiivka, what is Congress doing?
  • Even if that means voting for a democrat? Because the GOP in Washington certainly doesn't share your opinion even though we're glad to have you.

  • "What? No Bath Salts?", LIFE Magazine, December 20, 1943
  • 3 hard men looking at 1 man who happens to be hard

  • Incels need more mental health help - Swansea University report
  • They needed a report to figure that out?

  • NSFW
    [Soft] The Great Wall of Vagina [more images]
  • We should totally do this - but with dicks and have it double as a climbing wall

  • down-votes should require a one-line justification on Lemmy/Kbin
  • That's a really stupid idea ngl. Can't imagine caring about the fake points that don't do anything, dude

  • She’s with him: Hillary Clinton steps out as a key player in Biden’s re-election effort
  • Honestly, Clinton is so politically irrelevant, I didn't know she was involved in his campaign to begin with. Plus, she's been wildly unpopular her whole career. How exactly does this hurt Biden? If anything, I'd think it'll help him not to have any involvement with the Clintons

  • something to look forward to?
  • This is the most painful thing I've ever looked at

  • Everyone's a temporarily disgraced m̶i̶l̶l̶i̶o̶n̶a̶i̶r̶e̶ billionaire
  • And we can pay for that by taxing the ultra wealthy and eliminating billionaires

  • What’s the most bizarre thing you have seen on Lemmy so far?
  • I'd take them over the ones that think Stalin was a good guy any day tbh