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Fortatech Fortatech
Posts 30
Comments 16
doot doot
  • I thank you, sir skellington.

  • Update! My twin boom V-tail plane flies!
  • Turns out, caveman tactics sometimes really work out. I strapped some stones onto the tail of my plane, and it did fly. Or atleast it flew until i crashed it, but it was not the CG's fault

  • every plane can be repaired
  • well... yes

  • every plane can be repaired
  • and hot glue of course

  • every plane can be repaired

    I crashed this plane massively (broke the motor shaft), but with some tape and an amount of hot glue i would rather not disclose, it works again.

    interestingasfuck Fortatech

    Some weird cup-like formations of lichen

    My cats found the catnip...
  • "What? why are you looking at me? I'm inocent!"-a very guilty cat

  • but i'm a boy
  • well, feels like some ppl misunderstood the intention and the title, sorry

  • holy sh!t...

  • but i'm a boy

    He fly.
  • I am shamelessly stealing this

  • Two of them
  • They are spreading!!!!

  • Two of them
  • Two of them!

  • Remember to take your daily dose of frog
  • it seems to be some kind of a symbol of bi ppl.

  • my taste
  • Yes ;)

  • Two of them
  • Two of them!

  • Gemma is a li'l bit broken
  • gemma: the ai that keeps on giving

  • Two of them
  • Two of them.