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FabianRY FabianRY
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Nikola's nosh bean farm build
  • Thanks, that's usually my goal, and keep them relativelly simple. I usually prefer plants or critters over heavy machines buildings (so i'd love a plant/critter that can Turn wood into ethanol), maybe because irl i am a biologist. My inital Design included Like 30 oxyferns to get rid of CO2 and produce oxygen a side product, but then i discovered that with skimmers i can feed trees with that (oxyferns need a buff, seriously)

    The wheezworts are my standard cooling solution, because playing with DLC by then time i get plàstic from wither dreckos or Another planetoid i have already built it.

    It works with standard Wire and only a bit of refined Metal for radiant pipes and automation, so It can be achived with only a few advance Research.

    I'll probably try to expand to 3 trees to keep the distillers going on continuosly. I don't need tthe generator at 100% but It would be nice to remove the tune Up, but that may require switch to conductive wire. I'm doing numbers with a spreadsheet to test It out.

  • Cómo congelar aguacates sin que se echen a perder
  • Nunca me había planteado congelar aguacates. Ni fruta en general, porque como bastante fruta y no me dura en casa, pero está bien saberlo vaya

  • How long does it take you to play to 500c? 1000c?
  • I have a mod so the fast speed is faster, but I'm currently on cycle 304 in my current packed snacks playthrough, and the game registered more or less 18 hours. I know that at least 2 of them may be that i left the game paused but running. But i usually play in default speed, so I can control what is happening ( and sometimes saving some dupe from death). Only in the first like 30 cycles and when i have like a lot of errands planned and need them to be done asap i increase speed

  • Nikola's nosh bean farm build

    ¡Hello everyone! I'm Nikola, and my colony tasked me to take care of the colony's food source. We landed on a Frozen Forest asteorid, so i was printed a few hundred cycles ago to deal with this HUGE food problem we had (man, i love farming but I hate mealwood). So, with Frankie's and Ada's help (they are such a good builders) I planed our brand new nosh bean farm.

    We discovered that the petroleum generator and the ethanol distiller produce so much CO2 that carbon skimmers can produce enough polluted water to feed several trees. (Thanks Askhan for your brain, he's the best (and only) researcher in our colony), but we keep enough CO2 to avoid pdirt and pwa from produce that dirty oxygen. The wheezeworts we found across the planet help us to keep everything at the right temperature!. I only have to harvest the lumber of the Arbor trees and the nosh beans. Everything else is automated! Building and ethanol cooling is done thanks to hydrogen-filled pipes, some radiant pipes and a pretty convoluted cooling loop (i tried to keep it simple i promise). We put dirt, phosphorite and clean water and boom, food comes out. Sometimes the beans even have a pretty cool mutation!

    This is still a WIP, so there are a few things that could be improved as some elements changed during construction. In fact, Camille, our cooker, suggested that the pwater from the generator could be used to feed some pincha pepperplants so she can make spicy tofu. Water is not a problem, as our asteroid has not one but 2 different water geysers, so i probably go that way. Beyond this, Rowan is in a rocket in search of some legendary critter that can help our plants to grow. I asked Ada to build a feeder in the nosh bean greenhouse, but i don't trust Rowan: "They are in ANOTHER asteroid, we just have to find which one!" he said. He also said something about a crab that can eat that polluted dirt?. Yeah, sure, I've never seen any of these "Divergents" or "Pokeshells", he talks about. He should be feeding those smooth hactches, Frankie needs the refined iron to tune up the generator so we can stop eating that whatever thing grows in mealwood. Let me know anything I can improve, fellow dupes!

    Note: This is like my first compact-but-actually-work-quite-well-to-produce-one-specific-food build in my 1000 hours in this game. Frozen forest is my favourite DLC asteroid so I wanted to build something interesting regarding the difficulties in there.

    "Lo he visto en YouTube": ¿por qué tienen tanto éxito los discursos anticientíficos?
  • Sin embargo, cuando explicamos y entendemos algún fenómeno o hecho desde el pensamiento anticientífico hacemos que sea más probable, en lo sucesivo, explicar otros aspectos de nuestra realidad desde estos mismos parámetros.

    En este sentido, cumplen también un papel clave los algoritmos del entorno digital. El de YouTube, por ejemplo, refuerza la tendencia del propio usuario a buscar y consumir contenidos afines a sus intereses y creencias.

    O sea, que tenemos un sistema de recomendación algoritmica preparado para explotar un sesgo como este, añadele una sociedad de la desinformación y el interés y, puf, aquí tenemos las consecuencias. Luego que porqué necesitamos una educación básica con enfoque en pensamiento crítico y contraste de informacion.

  • Japón tiene una agencia de ciberseguridad para proteger al país. La hackearon y se han enterado nueve meses más tarde
  • Bueno, lógica aplastante, si no usas ordenadores, no te pueden hackear😶. Eso si, el plan no le ha salido muy bien que digamos