Creating mediocre at best memes and comments since 2023.
If not marked otherwise, everything I post is OC.
For my posts prior to 14th of January 2024, visit /u/[email protected] (If the instance still works)
Nope, totally fits in the community. We take all kinds of failures. Good one :)
Gibt's schon, bin ich aber nicht dran beteiligt
Nicht schlimm. Da war auch sehr gute Kritik drin, und hat mich am Ende hierzu inspiriert:
Ich versteh ehrlich gesagt nicht, was du mit "mit der Hintergrundgrafik verschmelzen meinst" - Das hier?
Ah! Ne das ist gut, muss man aber erst mal verstehen
Darf ich fragen was das genau bedeutet, irgendwie ĂĽberfliegt mich hier grade der Witz da dran
Verstehe deine Zweifel, aber ich weiß nicht wie man das ändern sollte
Bei dem schwarzen fehlt mir allerdings etwas Farbe.
dann hab ich was durcheinander gebracht, huch
Lieber die schwarze oder die bunte Variante?
Das stimmt, den Slogan habe ich hauptsächlich von voherigen Stickerversuchen geklaut
Feedback gesucht: Experimentelles
Da ich plane, Sticker zum Bewerben dieser Instanz auf dem diesjährigen 38C3-Event zu verteilen, versuche ich, ein gutes Design herzustellen. Hier mein neuester Prototyp. Geplant ist eine größe von 5,2 x 7,4 cm, auf Grund der niedrigen Kosten und weil es leichter ist, einen Platz auf etwa einem Laptop dafür zu finden. hat leider im Gegensatz zu kein wirkliches eigenes Branding, weshalb ich viel Spielraum habe.
Mag mir jemand weiteres Feedback oder Anregungen geben dies besser zu machen?
Weitere Infos zu gutem Stickerdesign kann man hier finden:
Generell sollte der Sticker nicht nur bewerben, sondern eine "Meinung" als Mittelpunkt haben, die vielleicht auch nicht-feddit-Nutzer unterstĂĽtzen.
Die Schriftart heiĂźt "Handjet".
I didn't fact check this, I found it in my gallery where I saved the image to exactly 1 year ago. I probably downloaded it from Lemmy tbh. I'm very much aware this isn't best practice, but I just wanted to share it again.
I know, and I have the ability to do it, but my parents wanna go the legit way. Fair enough ig, but the legit way is objectively bad.
It is, and you are old. Sorry to break it to you.
This is so fucked up. My parents pay for prime and still have to watch ads, but they still use it because the competitors aren't much better.
The amount of people your age is only going down with time.
Also: The people don't change. The pool of people your age that you could meet doesn't change, it only gets smaller.
BUSINESS-BUSINESS-BUSINESS-BUSINESS-BUSINESS is a business all about business, made by a business-business for businesses and alike.
lil seagull
Posted this on the pics community a month ago. Maybe you guys appreciate it a bit more :)
cross-posted from:
> He was just chilling on the northwest German coast, way closer to humans than usual, so I had to take a pic :)
The moon, at 7am vs. 10pm
I went to review photos I made of the moon at night and realised I photographed it in the morning as well. So I made a little edit!
Can someone give me advice on vacuum cleaners?
I know this might seem like an odd question, and this might be the wrong community (if it is, pls tell), but I'm currently looking for a reliable, but very cheap vacuum cleaners.
For years my family just bought the cheapest name brand vacuum that they could find in the nearest store, but they all suck (pun intended) these days. I think most of companies just whitelabel asian vacuums and sell them for as much profit as possible, and the end users end up with vacuums where random plastic clips break and the vacuum just not turning on, directly after the warranty expired.
Our new Philips one just kicked the bucket, and now we try to not repeat our mistakes. Is there any secret brand for our purposes?
We practically vacuum the whole house daily because of the dog hair. We've had bad experiences both with bagless and non-bagless, so that doesn't matter, as long as the bags are reasonably priced. The budget is pretty much what the cheapest supermarket vacuum would cost, and probably not much more.
The vacuum needs to be available in Germany.
I hope theres some good household tech out there anymore, god I love capitalism so much
If you have any questions, let me know
lil seagull
He was just chilling on the northwest German coast, way closer to humans than usual, so I had to take a pic :)
Bumblebee :>
I dont think it's focussed that well, but hey, what can you do.
Shot with:
Canon EOS 700D • idk 1/200? •Auto ISO • f/4 • 210mm + Full-Frame to APS-C crop factor