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Elpopov Elpopov
Posts 1
Comments 6
Diablo 4 World Tier 3 and 4 Now Require Levels 50 and 70?
  • *so they can make the battle pass grind more sluggish to boost sales of the premium Battlepass...

  • SLPT if you're embarrassed about the noises made when you're pooping in a public toilet, scream at the top of your lungs everytime something comes out.
  • I just put music on my noise canceling headphones. At least I don't realize how loud / intense the noise is, so I'm less embarrassed.

  • Hot summer day nap

    I have never read a book recreationally and I love fiction.
  • Regarding Name of Wind, it might be worth mentioning that it's supposed to be a trilogy, and that the last book might never be published...

  • How do I transition my friends from Instagram DMs to Signal as a Gen Z individual in the US?
  • I tried to get them on Matrix/element first. Couldn't do it, but then Signal looked easy enough and sticked. Might give another try if I can get my own Matrix server at home.

  • Reminder that this is a thing that could happen.
  • Damn, that's sad news. Thanks for the answer.
    Edit : and for the links. His blog post was such a pleasure to read.

  • Reminder that this is a thing that could happen.
  • What happened to Invidious?