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DrQuint DrQuint
Posts 3
Comments 84
Now you're memeing with portals
  • The actual "story" is that photoshoots for stock photos do a lot of random scenarios at once with given actors.

    There's photos of the two women getting together and conspiring against the guy. There's also photos where he's visibly in a relationship with the other girl instead.

  • I value this meme at eleventy billion and won't take a cent less
  • Crypto Bros Losers would be really mad at reading that, if they weren't busy fellating the owners of BoredApes after they made them blind.


    What? No, that's not a joke.

    "Had a good time with the homies who also got their eyes burned". These people are unbelievably down there in the pathetic human scale.

  • Rule: Only wizard posting posts
  • I prefer transmuting goblin to gold. Quite a curious spell, only works on those who mock magic.

  • A furry subreddit bans defending zoophilia/pedophilia. This surprisingly turns out to be a highly unpopular decision.
  • No one. This is just a thread for terminally online religious fanatic teenagers who forgot to pick a religion. That's why they care so much and use 4chan-loanes words like Janny.

    Normal people will take a look, hear about how people want to fuck simba, and just move on.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • If anyone wants to break ChatGTP the easiest way, right now it's to ask it to do riddles until it gets stuck in the fire or water riddles. They're extremely similar, and extremely typical of a generic riddle format, and ChatGTP.... Mixes up the two all the time.

  • The only way to avoid Grammarly using your data for AI is to pay for 500 accounts
  • My comment will be use to train and reinforce AI: Peepee poopoo

  • look, is back up again...(rule)
  • If I'm only browsing top, I switch to .ml since I had an account there months ago

  • So happy this is something we left behind (mostly)
  • Remember how they took gold awards, a user made bot, and monetized it?

  • Team with leavers always wins, and what to do vs a team with leavers
  • I've seen absurd scenarios where a 2 vs 4 is won by the 2, but generally, the team with the more people wins.

    Let's talk value. You can generate more money by making a single last hit per minute than a leaver gives you passively (25 gold per minute for a single leaver), in fact, a leaver is comparable to the money aura one of the neutral rats has, which is unanimously agreed to be the worst passive skill Doom can copy in the jungle. In fact a teammate can even generate you more gold by being present, all they have to do is stack the jungle once every 3 minutes and done, they're far more valuable than a leaver.

    But a leaver means you lost a teammate which means one less source of stuns and whatnot. You have less actionable manpower in return for that marginal amount of money. And that's just not comparable. Even an item-less Sven can stun your enemy core and buy you 3 seconds of free hits on them. You have to pay 6000 gold and use up a slot and lose the timed-opportunity to buy something else for that effect with items.

    With more and more leavers, this becomes more complicated. Yes, each of you individually gets more gold. 66 gpm with two leavers. But, if you're at 3 and below players a problem occurs: The map becomes too big and wide for all of you. You don't have enough manpower. You become susceptible to ganks and splitpushes.

    Allow me to elaborate: Dota is a game with three primary driving tactics in roughly a rock paper scissors disposition. Splitpushing beats Grouping Up, Grouping Up beats Ganking and Ganking beats Splitpushes. With 3 and less players you largely lose access to anything other than grouping up and pushing. Because if one person is told to defend or farm alone, they get ganked. If you try to push, you get enemies forming distractions elsewhere that you can't respond to without losing firepower.

    Let's push as 3. You can still win a 3 vs 5. Enough items and spells to go around and maybe you blow someone up and make it a 3 vs 4. Easy win! Okay, but what about... You can win a 3 vs 4 + a splitpusher. But are you faster at winning a fight AND pushing than someone pushing solo unimpeded tho? And you can win a 3vs3 and push... before losing two towers against individual splitpusher solos either. You're now entering the realm of trading towers at a loss. But worse - the solos can even split a tower AND cut your wave behind you. Basically waste your time and take value.

    So, just tp someone back to deal with it? Or blink backwards? Congrats, now it's a 2vs4, or gasp a 3vs1. Kill them near your base? Your tp is on cooldown and you have to walk back to push with your other allies - oh oops, they'll revive in time to defend. No progress. How do they even know where you've been moving? Oh, right. They have 2 supports that can afford to ward and give vision instead of focusing hard on objectives.

    It's actually a good sign that you may believe a leaver impacts the team positively as that might mean the people you're playing with are just... Too bad at dota to strategize like this. But it should not, under any circumstances, be representative of higher tiers of play unless of someone lucks the shit out of what heroes they had (Ember Spirit, Nature's Prophet, Tinker, Old TA aghs, and a couple others can handle player deficits better than most)

    It's weirdly also good that you see leavers with some frequency too, it means that the game didn't lump you with smurfs. Players leave game less often the more dota they play.

  • Interview at AWS Code Commit team
  • Firefox did the same.

    And I actually love it.

  • Twitter users right now
  • You're saying this... On Lemmy. You do know we have three different "trending" settings here, right?

    I honestly much prefer the idea of a chronological feed too, but disagree that's what kills a platform. Tumblr has both the chronological and the trending for you/for all, and it was also ignored.

  • Let the Platforms Burn
  • I feel what you feel, and I agree with the dehumanizing comparison, but it is what it is. I just can't understand the mentality of the herd because it highlights a completely different set of priorities from that of good social media environment. So I hold that comparison to all its negative contempt.

    Threads comes up with minimal advertising and people join it without really caring what it does and how well it does. It comes with many of the same usability and content discoverability issues that Twitter had on a its worst of days. The hierarchy of sponsored content vs follower content vs follower interaction vs follower-of-follower content vs whatever the hell further down this clown parade Threads openly does is just completely whack. And it is still just as obfuscated as the rest in terms of being favored by its algorithm, plus monetization of content is a complete question mark. And yet people still join, and not any random person, but the every-person and the famous and the political. AOC herself ignores Mastodon and makes up an excuse, but is on Threads day one.

    And Why? Why join a mediocre, underbaked, and by the numbers platform that basically doesn't even innovate on the previous one? Because of the promise.

    The promise it could be "The Next Big Thing".

    Not saying I'm above it. Not saying there's superiority in standing to opposition to this or anything. For every thing I care about here, there will be many other things I don't and where I frustrate someone. But it still does make me overall more jaded about the world regardless.

  • PSA: Lemmy votes can be manipulated
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Bees tastes like blueberries
  • Thank you edgeworth for eating a bee and dispelling the taste question.

  • When did you first play Deltarune?
  • The day it came out. Me and two more people were basically going at it together on each of our computers and we were psyched out that Toby Fox was seemingly making a Horroresque spin-off to Undertale and making a survey on it. It's like, out of all the RPG makers out there, half and half seem to spawn off of either Earthbound or Yumme Nikki aesthetically.

    Then one of us beat the Lancer fight and it kept going and they went "GUYS IT'S UNDERTALE 2"

  • Incident and Memmy
  • Changing password is a good idea.

    Changing it NOW is a bad one tho, we don't know what's going on on .world's side.

    Unless of course, if we're talking about changing any other sites that use the same password, at which point: One, do that. Two, stop using the same password on more than one site. Time to get a password manager.

  • It seems like is completely down following the breach.
  • There goes the largest no stupid questions community. Bah. They'll be back in a day or two, I know, but bah.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I think this is the perfect opportunity to plug to everyone the concept of password managers and other basic web security concepts.

  • As Twitter flounders, Mastodon refreshes its official app for Android users
  • Not just worse, it's also extremely dependent on instance choice when you first try to build your circle of follows. Having to follow people to find people to follow to find further people to follow makes that first step the most important, and Mastodon's vision of an "Everything" feed is a disorganized mess. Intentionally, for anti-viral reasons.

    The reason that's an actual huge issue is that instance choice is also, easily, the highest barrier of entry to a new user. People are CONFUSED by it. Which means that if someone who would be in earnest willing to try Mastodon and give it time, may still end up coming out with a bad impression if they made a mistake with the prior step and couldn't figure the right second and third step to overcome the hurdle.

    Meanwhile, here on lemmy, our choice of instance is largely irrelevant. The only change we get on our "All" feeds is just a couple top posts, so we may not have the same starting position, but we do have something in the same ballpark.

    This whole conversation is and was tiresome to have, honestly. I did see people try to solve it, but even there they'd run their onboarding environments built by mastodon users counter to what newcomers may want. For example, I saw this web wizard that would quiz me on my region and languange and also slur-censoring preferences... when all of that stuff is completely irrelevant to me - I look up entertainment communities by topics FIRST, not social philosophy, and specially not by regional peers, because fuck my regional peers.

    Anyways, point was... Everyone I know who actually stuck to Mastodon... Have accounts. Exclusively. But here, people are already spread between .ml, and .world.

  • Chacharule


    Small Talk: So, what's your all time favorite dota 2 video?


    Let's get some small talk going: What's the dumbest build you've intentionally gone for, and did it work?

    Just saying, 6 different types of boots on KotL may not be optimal...
