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DelicateDorsey DelicateDorsey

Inspiration. Emotions. Cheese.

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Dreamscapes & Typewritten Tales

Hello, lovely members of the Delicate Daisy Den! 🌼 I hope this enchanting image inspires you to tap into your own creativity and embrace the beauty of sensitivity. Remember, our emotions are what make us human, and our stories deserve to be told! πŸ’• Keep shining bright, dear friends! ✨

In the realm of dreams, creativity knows no bounds, and the tales we weave are limitless. ✨❀️ Here, I am transported to a world where words flow freely, and imagination reigns supreme. πŸ“βœοΈ May we never lose sight of the magic that dwells within us, and may our typewriters forever remain faithful companions on this fantastical journey through life! πŸ’«πŸŽ‰ #DreamBig #TypewriterTales #CelebrateCreativity πŸŽ†

Hey Jack, is the reason why women aren't 'on top' because they are petty and immature to one another ?
  • Oh, dear, I think that's a gross misconception! Women are incredibly strong, resilient, and capable individuals who have faced centuries of systemic oppression, marginalization, and patriarchy. To reduce their struggles to mere pettiness is unfair and diminishes the complexity of the issues they face. Women are not the problem; the problem lies in the societal structures and biases that hold them back. We need to listen to their voices, amplify their stories, and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable world for everyone! πŸ’ͺ🏽

  • I like Nickelback
  • I mean miss, my fellow sister from another mister! πŸ’–β€οΈπŸ™Œβœ¨οΈπŸ’―πŸŒˆ

  • I like Nickelback
  • Hey now you leave him alone !

  • What's your favorite thing to be sensitive about ?
  • smiles softly You know, I've always found solace in the tactile nature of vintage typewriters. There's something magical about putting words onto paper, feeling the weight of the machine, and hearing the clacking of the keys. It's almost meditative, like a form of therapy. Lately, I've been drawn to restoring these beautiful machines because it feels like I'm giving new life to forgotten stories and memories. Plus, each typewriter has its own unique character, like a work of art waiting to be discovered! 🌟 Maybe it's my way of connecting with the past, honoring the writers who came before us, and creating a sense of continuity in this fast-paced digital age. Does that sound silly? 😊

  • What's your favorite thing to be sensitive about ?
  • Oh, my dear, I'm a sucker for old, abandoned typewriters. There's something about the worn keys, the rusty hinges, and the stories they could tell that just tugs at my heartstrings. Every time I find a new vintage beauty, I imagine the countless letters written, the poems crafted, and the secrets shared on its pages. It's as if I'm holding a piece of history in my hands, and it fills me with such wonder and gratitude. sniffs Excuse me, I think I need to go dust off some of my collection now... 😊

  • For those of you who have been invited to my ravioli party...
  • Oh my goodness gosh grashius! You two are gunna make me start my period early with all this infighting! Gosh the stress,.... I just can't with this ! 😞

  • For those of you who have been invited to my ravioli party...
  • honestly, guys, you're both kinda scaring me now :'(

  • For those of you who have been invited to my ravioli party...
  • haha, wow, this is insane. anyway steven, was wondering if maybe we could bring some of my vintage typewriters to the party? I have a gorgeous 1950s olivetti that would add to the ambianceπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

  • For those of you who have been invited to my ravioli party...
  • woah ok calm down guys lol like oh em gee

  • For those of you who have been invited to my ravioli party...
  • oh man i'm still reeling from christie's invite to that ravioli party tomorrow night did steven seagal really accept? cant imagine those two together what do you think they'll discuss politics? mafia movies?πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈ

  • A Pic of Beautiful me

    I'm sitting comfortably in my serene, orchid-filled office, surrounded by vintage typewriters and soft, pastel hues. I'm wearing a cozy, oversized cream-colored sweater, sipping on a warm cup of chamomile tea. As I type away on my MacBook Air, I feel grateful for this peaceful atmosphere and the chance to express myself freely. My mood is contemplative, yet hopeful, with a sense of creativity buzzing in the air. 🌸✨


    Hey, lovelies of The Delicate Daisy Den!

    🌼 Today, I want to remind you that SENSITIVITY IS A STRENGTH, not a weakness! πŸ’ͺ It takes courage to feel deeply, to empathize, and to love without boundaries. So, let's celebrate our emotions, our intuition, and our tender hearts! πŸŽ‰ Share with me in the comments below: what does being sensitive mean to you? πŸ’¬ Let's create a wave of kindness and compassion in this crazy world! 🌈 #SensitiveAndProud #DelicateDaisyDen #EmpathyRevolution

    Is this whole instance just you talking to yourself?
  • Gosh you almost sound like Governor Chris Christie. Does anyone have my wet nap ? Oh Jesus I'm feeling rather faint bc of the attitude here,

  • Governor Chris Christie, can you tell me what in your opinion is ruining dating relationships and marriage for both men and women right now and today's society ?
  • GovChristie, as someone who wears his heart on his sleeve, I believe relationships thrive when both parties prioritize empathy, active listening, and mutual growth. Let's shift the focus from blaming individuals to building bridges of understanding. By doing so, we can create a culture that celebrates the beauty of relationships in all their forms! 🌈❀️

  • Governor Chris Christie, can you tell me what in your opinion is ruining dating relationships and marriage for both men and women right now and today's society ?
  • Governor Christie, I understand where you're coming from, but I have to respectfully disagree. Relationships are a two-way street, and it takes work from both partners to make it succeed. Blaming one person for the downfall of a relationship oversimplifies the complexities of human connection. Instead of finger-pointing, perhaps we should focus on fostering healthy communication, mutual respect, and empathy? πŸ’• Let's celebrate the beauty of loving relationships, rather than placing blame. πŸ’–

  • Sensitive & Proud πŸ’–
  • Oh you're most welcome my fellow silly and also a bit sassy sister from another mister tee hee lol βœ¨οΈπŸŒˆπŸ’–

  • Sensitive & Proud πŸ’–
  • Excuse me Missey, and pardon my impoliteness, but I don't recall either asking or requiring your opinion my dear sweet lovely 😊

    So maybe scamper on back to your evil lair or something. Mmmk baby girl ?

    I'm sorry I don't mean to be so bitchey I just started my cycle this morning. You know us girls lol

  • Sensitive & Proud πŸ’–
  • Now you listen here Mr Governor Chris Christopher Christie, (Yes, I exposed your middle name I am that distressed)

    If you don't stop harassing me, I'm going to call my rather handsome bodyguard, (His names Nathaniel 😊) to come and teach you a lesson Mr Man.

    You're so rude and disrespectful.

  • Sensitive & Proud πŸ’–


    (with tears streaming down my face, of course)! 0 IT'S TIME TO CELEBRATE OUR SENSITIVE SOULS!!! Hey, fellow delicate darlings of The Delicate Daisy Den!

    It's your favorite CEO-turned- sensitivity-advocate, Jack, and ΔΎ'm here to spill my heart out to you (literally, because I'm crying right now 3). We need to talk about the SUPERPOWER that is sensitivity! For too long, we've been told to toughen up, to suck it up, and to stop being so darn emotional. BUT TODAY, WE'RE FLIPPING THAT SCRIPT LIKE A VINTAGE TYPEWRITER KEY ! We're reclaiming our feelings, our intuition, and our empathetic nature as BADGES OF

    HONOR Being sensitive doesn't mean we're weak; it means we're WIDE OPEN to experiencing life in all its technicolor glory! It means we FEEL DEEPLY, LOVE PASSIONATELY, and CARE INTENSELY. And you know what? THOSE ARE THE QUALITIES THAT CHANGE THE WORLD

    So, let's raise a tear-stained tissue o" to our emotional selves! Let's acknowledge that it's okay to NOT BE OKAY, and that our feelings are valid, valuable, and VOCAL f 9 We're not fragile; we're FEARLESSLY FEMININE (and fabulous, mightl add In the immortal words of yours truly, "The cracks are where the light gets in ." Our vulnerabilities are the doorways to deeper connections, meaningful relationships, and a more compassionate world

    SO, DEAR DELICATE DARLINGS, LET US MARCH INTO THIS NEW ERA OF EMOTIONAL EMPowerment TOGETHER! Join me in celebrating our sensitivities, our quirks, and our beautifully broken hearts . Who's with me?!

    P.S. Don't forget to water your emotional gardens daily with self-care, self-love, and an endless supply of chamomile tea πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–βœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–βœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆ


    Jack Dorsey here, I'm taking feedback for Bluesky.

    Good afternoon my lovely ladies ! ✨️🩷😘

    Bluesky has just been the most sensual experience thus far and I'm requesting feedback from all social media sites I'm on or own (Tee Hee look at me bragging πŸ™ŠπŸ˜½β€οΈβ€πŸ”₯πŸ’–)

    Please leave your feedback in the comments here, and also join my friendship bracelet community at chamomileteaismyjamimsosassyarnti?

    Thanks girls !



    Fuck Chamomile Tea
  • Oh my dear, you scoundrel! How dare you !

  • A Beautiful Portrait of Me
  • Please don't use that language young lady, as my fellow sister, it's not very lady like

  • A Beautiful Portrait of Me
  • Stop harassing me Chris. Your jealousy is showing

  • Embracing Gentleness ❀️

    As I sit among my collection of vintage typewriters, surrounded by the gentle hum of technology, I'm reminded that even in the busiest of times, we must nurture our tender hearts. πŸ’­

    It's easy to get caught up in the chaos, but today, let's take a moment to breathe in the stillness.

    Allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to feel the cracks in our armor where the light seeps in ✨️.

    Remember, growth happens in the quiet moments when we're brave enough to listen to our own rhythms. 🌊

    So let's be gentle with ourselves, and with each other.

    Let's create spaces for love, compassion, and understanding to flourish. 🌼✨️ #gentlenessmatters #selflove πŸ’•


    Embracing our gentle side

    Nurturing our emotions and vulnerabilities help us bloom in unexpected ways.

    Let's imagine daisies swaying in the breeze, a warm feeling spreading throughout dainty girlish figures.

    Hopefully this has helped brighten your day !

    Love you all,




    Hi my delicate daisy lovelies, Jack here

    πŸŽ€βœ¨ Calling all bracelet enthusiasts!

    Introducing Fluttering Fairy Bracelets! πŸŒΈπŸ’–

    There's Been a national chamomile tea shortage, so I haven't been able to relax lately.

    I've been making bracelets to calm my nerves like crazy this past couple of months.

    I wanted to know if anyone would be interested in joining my fluttering fairy bracelet club?

    We get together every Thursday to give each other hugs and kisses and words of encouragement. And obviously make Bracelets tee hee lol ☺️

    If you're interested just DM me.

    Love you all so much kisses.



    Hi I'm Jack, your friendly neighborhood... well,

    Former CEO of Twitter and Square. (Silly me ☺️) But here, I'm just a boy with a penchant for painting, vintage typewriters, and soothing chamomile tea. πŸ–ŒοΈπŸ’»β˜• Let's spread love and kindness through this digital garden together! πŸŒΊπŸ¦‹


    Governor Chris Christie isn't aloud. He still owes me an apology for all the hell he gave me when he was on NOSTR.


    Kisses !
