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DavidDoesLemmy DavidDoesLemmy
Posts 25
Comments 257
Life expectancy in Australia has fallen for the first time in about 30 years
  • .1 of a year decrease. Not worth getting upset over, I think.

  • Do you like America? Why or why not?
  • As a non American who used to live there, I can say some things are amazing and some things are awful.

    I love the nature. The national parks are so beautiful. I like many of the people. And there are good job options there in tech.

    But the awful things were a deal-breaker for me, and why I'd never want to live there again. The wealth inequality, the guns, the crime, the homelessness, the healthcare system, the partisan politics, etc.

    So ultimately I probably fall on the side of not liking it.

  • what is the worst case scenario that can happen at the presidential debate?
  • Which presidential debate? Which country are you in?

  • How useless are dating apps?
  • I met my wife on one on the day that I signed up. First swipe and it worked! Well that's what I tell her

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • I used to live there, so I'm speaking from experience.

  • What's the greatest invention of 21st century, in your opinion?
  • Maybe sex with other people declines πŸ˜‰

  • What's the worst invention of the 21st century?
  • There's a lot of people who don't know when the 21st century began.

  • What's the worst invention of the 21st century?
  • Speak for yourself American

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • Why would anyone live there? Let alone believe it's the best country in the world

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • I believe in religion. It definitely exists. Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism etc. They all exist. Guaranteed.

    How can you not believe in them?

  • Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ...
  • I think you misunderstood me. The small bet I was referring to is not the coalition's plan. It would be more money to research next generation reactors.

  • Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ...
  • I think it's a well balanced and well researched video. I don't think she concludes that nuclear is a clear winner. And in our case it may not make sense. But both sides are guilty of cherry picking facts to fit their narrative.

    The only reason I can think of to go nuclear is if renewables can't meet our power needs. I think it's a hard problem for the grid to manage distributed power generation in such varying amounts. Sometimes the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow enough. Can batteries fill the gaps? I hope so. But I wouldn't be opposed to a small bet on nuclear at the same time.

  • What happened to the smartest kid in your class?
  • One became a high school teacher and another works in tech. Not too shocking I guess

  • What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?
  • Is that a voting day in some country?

  • What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?
  • I read that as: They scrapped the whole thing as a consequence of you and your brother doing it? You must have been really bad.

  • A black swan event would wipe out Australian superannuation and the economy with it
  • This is scary because I encounter black swans every day. Black swan events are incredibly common in Australia

  • *Monthly Aussie Frugal Living discussion: Tues June 4th
  • Cool. I just cut off the arms of old t-shirts and use them as gym shirts

  • how much backing up would you do of a media server?

    I have a nas with 2x10tb drives. I mostly just have music, movies and tv shows on it.

    People talk about raid not being a backup, but is that relevant for non-original data? I mean I can always get the media again if need be. It would just be an inconvenience.

    What would you do?

    76 Police charge man over Daylesford pub crash that killed five people

    Police charge a man with five counts of culpable driving causing death after a car hit a crowd of people at the Royal Daylesford Hotel in regional Victoria in November.

    Police charge man over Daylesford pub crash that killed five people
    6 Children among five killed as car crashes into beer garden in regional Victoria

    Investigations continue into a crash in the regional Victorian town of Daylesford that left five people dead after a car drove into the beer garden of a busy pub.

    Children among five killed as car crashes into beer garden in regional Victoria
    4 Children among five killed as car crashes into beer garden in regional Victoria

    Investigations continue into a crash in the regional Victorian town of Daylesford that left five people dead after a car drove into the beer garden of a busy pub.

    Children among five killed as car crashes into beer garden in regional Victoria
    48 There's a big misconception about mobile phones and driving, and it's putting us at risk

    A road toll rise in parts of Australia has experts worried that we are going backwards on road safety.

    There's a big misconception about mobile phones and driving, and it's putting us at risk

    Jacinta Allan to replace Dan Andrews as Premier of Vic Live: 'Honour and privilege': Jacinta Allan to become Victoria's second female premier

    Incoming Victorian premier Jacinta Allan says she will have more to say about a cabinet reshuffle in coming days, after she was elected unopposed by her party room. Follow all the action in our live blog.

    Live: 'Honour and privilege': Jacinta Allan to become Victoria's second female premier
    2 Cybercriminals publish personal details of thousands of donors to Australian charities on the dark web

    The Cancer Council, Canteen and Fred Hollows Foundation have confirmed donor information has been published on the dark web after a telemarketer was hacked.

    Cybercriminals publish personal details of thousands of donors to Australian charities on the dark web

    Maybe charities shouldn't be giving out our details to tele-marketers.


    Dash Cam Owners Australia Best of Reactions 4

    Warning, course language in this one.

    4 Angela recognised the 'hi mum' scam too late β€” but feels her bank let her down with what came next

    After falling victim to scams, the 83-year-old spent three months chasing an answer from her bank's fraud department.

    Angela recognised the 'hi mum' scam too late β€” but feels her bank let her down with what came next

    Watch out for scams, folks

    22 Victorians to pay the highest property tax rates in the country according to report

    A report from Victoria's Parliamentary Budget Office, commissioned by the state opposition, shows Victorians will pay around $450 more property tax than people in New South Wales next financial year.

    Victorians to pay the highest property tax rates in the country according to report

    Research shows Victorians will pay the highest rate of property tax in the country


    what are your favourite books set in Melbourne?

    I'm sick of reading American books. Would love some Aussie recommendations.


    Maribyrnong river

    Another phone pic that turned out okay.


    house in Yarraville, Vic

    Seen on my dog walks πŸ•. I love the colours.


    Little lizard friend

    A stumpy tail lizard we came across at Mt Arapiles


    Cash rate unchanged for July Statement by Philip Lowe, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision | Media Releases

    At its meeting today, the Board decided to leave the cash rate target unchanged at 4.10 per cent and the interest rate paid on Exchange Settlement balances unchanged at 4.00 per cent.

    Statement by Philip Lowe, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision | Media Releases

