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CatBookCat CatBookCat
Posts 4
Comments 17
The face says it all
  • i feel that way a lot

  • To the person asking about doilies, they make great graduation cap covers
  • thank you :) i recently remembered my love of afghan squares

  • Call out post for a particular karma farmer on
  • is it weird that i don't care? i don't care about oodles karma. 0 fucks to give. why do people care?

  • Reddit Goes Nuclear, Removes Moderators of Subreddits That Continued To Protest
  • did you see what r/politicalhumor did? they made every subscribed account a mod

  • r/Blind's Meetings with Reddit and the Current Situation Regarding Accessibility and API Changes
  • I'm really interested in accessibility certifications. i did not know that was a thing. does anyone know about them?

  • Billionaire among the missing as tourist submersible exploring Titanic wreck disappears
  • there could be a hefty inheritance tax. you never know

  • They forgot to put in the chocolate chips
  • you can make your own chocolate chip cookies without chocolate chips

  • Are you doing your part?
  • that reminds me of the monty python sketch with the phrase book

  • Are you doing your part?
  • my boardgames post has so much interaction

  • Every single time
  • i remember a news story about a guy who forgot he had his gun on him and didn't realize until he landed. gonna go look for it

  • Board Games CatBookCat

    Cooperative games that are newbie friendly

    Hi, i like coop games because I like working together and don't enjoy competitive games.

    anyone have any good suggestions?


    I'm so glad that evil autism made the switch.

    i love you all very awkwardly

    hookers paradise CatBookCat

    I'm a college student who loves to make doilies but no one needs or uses doilies

    what else can i make that is similar to doilies but people might want? I could start randomly throwing them at people?

    i like doilies because they are portable and each row is usually different. maybe i should try crochet squares?

    there are not a lot of things you can only do once
  • ok so my adhd super power is forgetting shit all the time. this means i usually remember that i like a series but have no idea what happened and can enjoy reading it again.

    back in the past, i would often accidentally buy a book i had already read because it got a new cover and i didn't realize i had bought it before.

  • What's your favorite series and why is it cradle?
  • i actually haven't read cradle but i did pick up app of will wrights stuff when it was free a bit over a week ago

  • ProgressionFantasy CatBookCat

    What's your favorite series and why is it cradle?

    I'm so stoked to see progression fantasy over here!
