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Trump could legally sell pardons under 'blueprint for totalitarianism' from Supreme Court
  • The president's power to pardon federal crimes is not really limited in the constitution except to exclude cases of impeachment. That is generally accepted to mean that the power of the pardon is otherwise nearly unlimited except perhaps that one cannot pardon oneself. There is no specific rule or law against giving a pardon in exchange for payment, though it is clearly considered by most as unethical.

  • Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.
  • I wouldn't be scheduling non-critical meetings after 8:00 PM either. A normal president's day must start around 7:00 or 8:00 AM. Unless it's an emergency, I don't see a need for a President to be working more than a dozen or so hours a day.

    On the topic, do MAGAts really think that their orange god was awake, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and working at 8:00 AM every day after staying up and rage tweeting until 3:00 AM? I would be shocked to find out that Trump did any actual work at all before noon.

  • You Know Who’s Available to Replace Joe Biden? Al Franken!
  • Al/Jon would work better. I think Franken would do better in the Oval Office while Jon would shine cracking the whip as President of the Senate. Might be able to get some work out of those bastards for a change.

  • Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'
  • Dear President Biden, you have sworn an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. SCOTUS has given you cover to do almost literally anything you need to do to fulfill that oath. This is what a domestic enemy looks and sounds like. In fact, this is a target rich environment, Mr. President. Please, get off your ass and get to work.

  • Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
  • Subby should have included the whole quote that Media Matters truncated.

    "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."

    Translation, let us turn this country into the Republic of Gilead or we will kill you.

  • CNN Poll: Most voters think Democrats have a better chance of keeping White House if Biden isn’t the nominee
  • For those who don't read articles, here is the paragraph from the linked article that really drives the point home.

    “I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” he said. Then he suggested a model: “Fox News, in my opinion, has followed an interesting trajectory of trying to have ‘news’ news, I mean some actual journalism, embedded in a program schedule of all opinions.”

    He wants CNN to turn into Fox News. Literally.

  • Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Court
  • He doesn't need to kill them. Take all their personal property using eminent domain, sell all their office space in D.C. and close the court buildings where they operate. Leave them running SCOTUS out of a store front in a strip mall in the most crime ridden part of D.C. He could even use extraordinary rendition (Thanks Dubya) to nab their families and hold them in black sites in foreign countries. There are any number of non-lethal official acts that he can use to make their lives a living hell until they consent to make the changes we need to keep this country safe from fascism. When your enemy hands you a gun, use it.

  • House Democrats introduce resolution condemning Uganda's "Kill the Gays" law
  • No. There aren't any other issues they can deal with. The Democratic representatives can write any number of bills that, if passed, would help people, industry, climate , or anything else. The problem is, anything the Democrats propose would be reflexively shat on by the Republican majority and never pass. The Democrats could probably write an American version of the Kill the Gays bill and the House Republicans would still vote it down just to keep Biden from having a win.

    The only positive thing the Democratic majority can do is force the Republicans to show their true colors by making them vote to support this hideous Ugandan law.

  • House Democrats introduce resolution condemning Uganda's "Kill the Gays" law
  • More than that. They poured money and propaganda into Uganda to convince them that their problems are all because of gay people.

    American evangelical groups have since spent years and tens of millions of dollars spreading homophobia in Uganda and beyond. Data from OpenDemocracy shows that from 2007 to 2020, over 20 US evangelical groups spent at least $54 million in Africa “to influence laws, policies, and public opinion against sexual and reproductive rights." Nearly half of that figure was spent in Uganda.

    This movement quickly gained traction in 2009 after top American evangelical leaders headlined a three-day conference in Kampala on “exposing the homosexuals’ agenda.” Speakers promoted the notion that the “traditional” Ugandan family is exclusively heterosexual, claiming that gay Westerners and activists are attempting to spread homosexuality by corrupting and recruiting children around the world.

  • She exposed how the nation's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail.
  • He stole more than that. From the linked article:

    They included a volleyball facility that cost more than $5 million at the University of Southern Mississippi, a project championed by former NFL football star Brett Favre, whose daughter happened to be on the volleyball team there.

    Favre, who has not been charged, also received $1.1 million for purported promotional efforts. And a drug company in which he owned stock, Prevacus, received $2.1 million, according to public records. Favre lobbied the governor to help secure the money, according to text messages obtained by Mississippi Today.

    “It’s 3rd and long and we need you to make it happen!!” Favre texted Bryant on Dec. 26, 2018. Bryant replied, “I will open a hole.”

    That's $8.2 million by my reckoning.

  • Candace Owens describes science as "pagan faith"
  • Let's have a contest. Let's see who can get to the moon first. She can build temples, and churches, make sacrifices at holy shrines, and get thousands and thousands of people to pray for her to get there. Me, I'll take a rocket built by scientists.

    She couldn't even get across an ocean or to the top of the highest mountains on Earth with nothing but religion. She couldn't even feed her drivel to her victims, sorry, listeners if scientists hadn't developed the various technologies used to send her words and images to them.

  • In praising Cornel West and Jill Stein, Trump said the quiet part out loud
  • Trump ally or not, West's campaign is being aided by the GOP in North Carolina and Arizona and probably other states as well. So whether or not he is Trump ally, he is at minimum an ally of the GOP.

    In answer to your edit, those down voters probably assumed you were sealioning. Your post history suggests to me that that's not likely though. Maybe they just vehemently disagreed with your assertion that they are not Russian assets. Anyway, here is some reading about West and Stein that you might find enlightening. I've included snippets but if you really want to learn, I suggest that you follow the links and read the whole thing. Personally, I'm convinced that they are working for Putin and anyone working for Putin is allied with Trump.


    But as he campaigns for president, West is moving beyond the DSA and forging bonds with far-left activists who call for the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism, who support the Chinese and North Korean regimes, and who are associated with communist organizations and Russian state propaganda operations.


    • Stein is pals with Vladimir Putin and his team: She joined MAGA extremist Michael Flynn as the only Americans to sit with Putin at a dinner in Moscow in 2015.
    • At an event in New York that same year, she met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. – NBC News; Jill Stein
    • The Russians helped Stein in 2016: “Russians working under the direction of the Internet Research Agency, the firm run by a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, tweeted the phrase ‘Jill Stein’ over 1,000 times around the time of the election. The posts were often accompanied by variations of the same hashtag, ‘Grow a spine and vote Jill Stein…’ – NBC News (December 22, 2018)
    • And Stein touted their propaganda in return: In 2015, Stein “recorded a video from Moscow’s famous Red Square, in which she talked about ‘the need to rein in American exceptionalism’ and replace ‘a U.S. policy based on domination’—words that sounded like they were ripped from Putin’s talking points.” – POLITICO (June 20, 2017). During the campaign of 2016, Stein “parroted the Russian position on Ukraine and criticized the U.S. for installing a government in Kiev ‘hostile to Russia.’” – NBC News (December 22, 2018)
    • She still sounds like a Russian propogandist on Putin’s invasion of Ukraine: “Russia’s invasion was a provoked response to the bigger, more murderous and illegal game plan of US empire - in which ‘overextending’ and defeating Russia is only one small part of the picture… In 2014 the US backed a coup in Ukraine led by far-right insurrectionists. The installation of the new government was a giant step towards the goal of adding Ukraine to NATO - and putting hostile bases and nuclear-capable missiles right on Russia's border.” – Jill Stein (February 24, 2022)
  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • President Trump signed Executive Order 13823 which kept Gitmo open and declared that the USA can detain "persons captured in connection with an armed conflict for the duration of the conflict." That being stated in Trump's executive order makes it clear that detaining such a person would be an official act.

    Trump and his MAGA supporters have made unproven claims that the 2020 election was stolen and they intended to overthrow the government and install him as President on Jan-6 despite his election loss. Trump and his supporters have made continuous threats of violence and committed numerous acts of violence since then. It is therefore clear that the violent conflict that started on Jan-6, 2021 has not yet concluded. Trump and members of his MAGA army can legally be detained, without charge, for the duration of this conflict if and when they are captured.

    Now there may be some question about who would capture Trump and his criminal allies and where they would be detained. It's really quite simple. George W. Bush gave us extraordinary rendition. This program used agreements with about 50 other countries to abduct "terrorists" off the streets of those nations and hold and interrogate them indefinitely in CIA black sites. It is debatable on whether or not the CIA, NSA, or FBI could legally capture Trump or any of his terrorist allies, but that is not a problem. No doubt there are any number of foreign powers that would be happy to do so on our behalf for some diplomatic or financial consideration. Negotiating with other nations and arranging treaties and agreements is unarguably part of the Presidents job and therefore an official act.

    Thanks to this ruling all Biden needs to do to save our democracy is to come to an agreement with one or more nations to capture the terrorist Trump and transport him to some black site in a foreign nation. There he can be held, and interrogated if need be, until such time as the conflict with his MAGA army is ended. If there are any legally questionable actions by Biden here, they in the nature of official acts, and he is therefore immune to prosecution now or in the future. Should anyone else involved be charged with a federal crime during the capture or detention, Biden can simply pardon them.

    Thank you SCOTUS. You've given Biden the ability to save our nation with no legal risk to himself or anyone else involved in the process... Except, Biden would never do any of this because he is a decent human being. So what SCOTUS has really done is destroy our nation. This is the dumbest ruling ever made by this or any other SCOTUS in the history of this nation. The next Republican president will almost certainly not be a decent human being and will commit atrocities that he or she will never be prosecuted for and will tear down our democracy and will rebuild our nation as a Christian theocracy.

  • Fulton County prosecutors seek emergency protective order after proffer footage surfaces

    Fulton County prosecutors filed an emergency request for a protective order in the Georgia election subversion case on Tuesday after recorded statements made by multiple defendants as part of their…

    Fulton County prosecutors seek emergency protective order after proffer footage surfaces

    Fulton County prosecutors filed an emergency request for a protective order in the Georgia election subversion case on Tuesday after recorded statements made by multiple defendants as part of their plea deals were made public.

    On Monday, ABC News and The Washington Post published footage of the proffer sessions, which showed the four defendants who pleaded guilty being questioned by prosecutors about their involvement in various efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.

    Prosecutors said the footage was turned over to the remaining defendants as part of discovery, urging the court to impose restrictions on how the defendants can disclose the materials.

    “The release of these confidential video recordings is clearly intended to intimidate witnesses in this case, subjecting them to harassment and threats prior to trial, constitutes indirect communication about the facts of this case with codefendants and witnesses, and obstructs the administration of justice, in violation of the conditions of release imposed on each defendant,” prosecutors wrote in their motion.

    To prevent further disclosure, prosecutors said they will not provide videos of any proffer sessions to defendants moving forward.

    “Instead, defendants must come to the District Attorney’s Office to view confidential video recordings of proffers. They may take notes, but they will be prohibited from creating any recordings or reproductions,” prosecutors wrote in the filing.


    Trump breaks yet another law Donald Trump may have just broken the law

    Trump has come under scrutiny after a gun was auctioned off at a fundraiser held in his Mar-a-Lago, Florida, home.

    Donald Trump may have just broken the law

    Last weekend, an auction held at his Florida home saw the item, described as "a one of a kind Trump Glock from the 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump," go up for bidding during a charity event. Pictures circulating on social media show the gun being presented at the auction, with news website Meidas Touch saying that bidding for the item began at $10,000.

    However, the transaction could land the former U.S. president in considerable trouble, given that federal law prohibits those under indictment from transacting firearms. Trump is embroiled in active legal proceedings, having testified at a civil trial over the New York investigation into financial fraud at the Trump Organization. The former president has denied all wrongdoing and repeatedly said that the ongoing federal and civil cases against him are part of a political witch hunt.
