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BobbyBlock BobbyBlock
Posts 19
Comments 1

America: A Land of Myths and Violence

W/ respect to paul morrin
  • To be fair he didn't mean Cuba or the DPRK does imperialism, he means they allow themselves to be imperialised by thheir compador bourgeois class, same as most third world countries. I disagree with him on that as well, but come on, we are marxists, we don't rely on out of context clips to shape our views of other ideas. Watch the whole stream and you will see what he means instead of engaging in liberal cancel culture and outrage politics

  • Me😼IRA


    CYM statement on disaffiliation from the Communist Party of Ireland


    'Socialist Organizing and Agitating' - with Alex Homits, GenSec of the CYM - Valleys Underground


    You dare to call me a terrorist?


    For the Citizen Army – 107th Anniversary of the ICA For the Citizen Army – 107th Anniversary of the ICA - Connolly Youth Movement

    107 years ago the Irish Citizen Army made their first public appearance, as we remember them and their commitment to the cause of labour, what lessons can we learn from their example?

    For the Citizen Army – 107th Anniversary of the ICA - Connolly Youth Movement

    Article: Ukraine to Belarus: Who Benefits? Ukraine to Belarus: Who Benefits? - Connolly Youth Movement

    There is no clear path out of what is a highly complex situation. This is not a Disney film and therefore no "good guys" and "bad guys". Don’t be a gullible idiot for NATO and the EU. Resist all colour revolutions they instigate and let the people of Belarus conduct their own struggles, as a soverei...

    Ukraine to Belarus: Who Benefits? - Connolly Youth Movement

    Article: We don’t need American tourists, we need Communism


    Brits 😔


    Fuck it, INLA anime girl


    Lenin on Ireland


    Asylum seekers in Direct Provision centre in Kerry go on hunger strike 'We have been traumatised' - Asylum seekers in a Kerry Direct Provision centre on hunger strike in protest at 'inhumane conditions'

    Asylum seekers in a controversial Kerry Direct Provision centre have gone on hunger strike in protest at the “inhumane conditions” they are living in.

    'We have been traumatised' - Asylum seekers in a Kerry Direct Provision centre on hunger strike in protest at 'inhumane conditions'

    CYM and other anti-fascist Socialist and Republican activists run the fash out of Belfast


    Frantz Fanon & Algeria’s Liberation Movement Frantz Fanon & Algeria’s Liberation Movement - Connolly Youth Movement

    In the same vein as many contemporary and later African socialists, Fanon saw a uniquely African situation that required a rethinking of orthodox Marxist analysis.

    Frantz Fanon & Algeria’s Liberation Movement - Connolly Youth Movement



    QAnon loons outside the GPO in Dublin today.


    About the CYM About - Connolly Youth Movement

    This pamphlet is intended as a basic primer on the Connolly Youth Movement for new members and those with an interest in our activities and views. It exists to provide an overview of our core beliefs, as well as a breakdown of our everyday practice and brief look at our background. We hope that newc...

    About - Connolly Youth Movement

    Article - Connolly vs. the Melted Cheeseheads
