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What to play after experiencing Chrono Trigger?
  • I don't think it's fair to say not to bother with Chrono Cross but I do agree it's important to stress how unrelated to Chrono Trigger it is. As a sequel it fails. But as its own stand alone JRPG, I think it's great.

    Personally I love Chrono Cross and how different it was. And the music is ridiculously good (Yasunori Mitsuda main Chrono Trigger composer.)

    I think it's worth a go. It starts you somewhere in the middle of the story so you get action straight away. So anyone who tries it will know quickly if it will be up their alley without having to invest too much time.

  • Kind of obsessed with this game lately (Windjammers - Neo Geo AES, 1994)
  • Windjammers is awesome. If you're ever looking to try a different game that's similar-ish, Bang Bead for Neo-Geo is also great!

  • Commando: A Home Port Comparison
  • Oh man I haven't thought about this game in years. I grew up with the NES version. Such a fun game with awesome music. Now that I think about it, I don't think I ever even played the original arcade version. Thanks for the post, fantastic write up :)

  • My PSP with 11 years of use, still strong today!
  • Recently fished out my PSP-1000 from my closet only to find the battery ready to pop. Need to look into disposing of it now before anything bad happens -_-

  • Triple Jump: A platformer multi-cartridge for the NES - Announcement Trailer
  • Ooooh I've loved all their NES titles. They always have such great art and music. They are NES coding wizards.

  • [Pre-release] v0.2.4-1
  • Testing commenting without losing place ;)

  • why is the create comment button at the top?
  • You would have to ask @[email protected] regarding the play store beta thing.

    But we have early builds that get uploaded to IzzyOnDroid. You can also get them directly from GitHub.

    The last release was 2 weeks ago unfortunately due to irl stuff. But the hope is to have a new nightly soon :)

  • why is the create comment button at the top?
  • Create a comment view has been reworked and is in the codebase though there are still improvements to be made.

    With the new create comment view, the create button is on the top bar so it's always accessible. Touching the top bar will not close the create comment dialogue either.

    There is still the issue of a comment draft not persisting and your place in thread being lost after creating a comment. The latter being a particularly annoying user experience for myself. I'm hoping one of us will be able to address that soon. A few of us haven't had a lot of time to work on Thunder lately, myself included :(

  • Starfield Launch Details, PC Specs and More
  • Just a guess, so I could be completely wrong. But I imagine Sync doesn't run text from the post feed through a markdown parser/renderer. It only does that when viewing the full post. At least that's the reason why we have a similar result in Thunder for lemmy.

  • Thank you for developing Thunder!
  • Yeah the subscriptions not properly refreshing on account change is super annoying. As a work around, hitting refresh on the feed view will refresh the sub list. Definitely something I want to get around to fixing soon.

  • Thread comment bar color change
  • As of right now, there is no way to change the colors of the comment edge border. There is a general setting though that controls that nesting border. By default it's set to thick style. Try the thin style and see if thats more to your liking.

    As for whether the color will ever be configurable. I don't think we've gotten this request before so I don't think it's on anyones radar right now. If you have the time, we would really appreciate it if you create a feature request for it on GitHub :)

  • Thunder is now on the App Store
  • Today's new nightly release has my changes that should make the post feed smoother :)

  • Thunder is now on the App Store
  • Your comment led me to take another look at where we display external links and I think there is an improvement that can be made. Currently that option I mentioned disables all external link thumbnails. But what we should do instead is only disable the image scraping and still show the thumbnails if Lemmy has them. Expect a fix soon :)

  • Thunder is now on the App Store
  • The scrolling stutter on the feed can be smoothed out a bit by disabling external link previews. There is a bit of an overhead constantly calling out to external sites to scrape for an image to show. As for the comment feed. I think it could be better and I'm hoping it's something we can improve on.

  • Lift it off y'all
  • Commenting UI is currently getting an overhaul to match the create a post UI (assuming you are on Thunder nightlys). I think posting images will get added then. If not we can definitely take a look at adding it :)

  • is there a way to add images to comments?
  • Hmm I don't think that functionality exists at the moment. The good news is that the create comment screen is currently getting a major overhaul. It will soon match the create post screen. So I imagine posting images in comments will get added then :)