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Bearbie Bearbie
Posts 3
Comments 45
If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • Facts. I was talking to my doctor who is moving to Denver for another job soon. He was telling me how bad it was getting.

    The hospital+clinics are forcing them to spend less time with patients,overbooking their schedules, and ordering tests that aren’t medically necessary to get the most out of a patient.

    He’s leaving for a private practice job that’ll allow him to have more say so, it’s sad those who have been with him for the last 10+ years won’t benefit from him being around anymore.

  • You get to choose one super power you see on fictional media, What do you choose ?
  • Wow. I forgot ball about this show. I loved it and was bummed it got cancelled.

  • Ladies if all the men of the world disappeared for 24 hours, they are fine they will come back, BUT during those 24 hours what are YOU doing?
  • Regardless of what sex they’re into, if they deem an outfit as “slutty” then it’s slutty.

  • What kind of magical powers will the clothing that I hang out to dry under the eclipse acquire?
  • No noise and takes no pain from butt stuff

    The noise you make is the best part, though

  • Prosecutors say Washington state man charged in 4 murders lured victims with promise of buried gold
  • I work in a hospital admitting patients for surgery.

    The amount of people who come in with LARGE wads of cash is.. perplexing. My guess is these people don’t trust banks or the people around them, so they carry their cash everywhere they go.

  • A remake of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is in development at Virtuos Games - Xfire
  • It looks like it may be an official release, but we’ll need more time to know for sure.

    There is currently a fan-made remake happening using Skyrim’s engine that’s been in the works about a decade.

  • Blood tube holder
  • As a phlebotomist, this is an amazing idea. Patent and sell this idea, my dude.

  • Mosquitos and Mindfulness 🧘‍♀️🦟
  • Thank you for this

  • Controller > Keyboard
  • If only my thumb didn’t hurt after using a controller… sorry, I cannot agree with you :(

  • Shorts not allowed as part of the school uniform? No problem!
  • Maybe I should try this with my work… Hospital office setting. No scrubs, just casual office wear. But women can wear dresses and skirts.. I’m stuck wearing khaki pants. It suuucks.

  • Every time I ask a person if they're into Futurama, "no what's that?"
  • I get excited to share it with someone who’s never seen it!

  • The tiniest, and most annoying tomato I've ever grown - the Spoon Tomato
  • Are they sweet or tart? I’d love a handful.

  • Post Vet
  • How cute. Got one for my girl because she was scratching at her chin quite a bit…

  • 🍋📴 rule
  • I want to bite into that…

  • Queen Bonnie

    Bonnie, 3 years old, enjoying some fresh air while her subject mows her lawn.
