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Barbash Barbash
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MGS4 coming on Master Collection vol2 Metal Gear Solid 4 Finally Freed From PS3 as Part of Leaked Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 2 - IGN

The internet has spotted the line-up of games for the unannounced Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 2., which includes Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, and Metal Gear Solid 5.

Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg agree to hold cage fight
  • Not gonna happen, but reading this

    Mr Musk, who turns 52 later this month, also tweeted: "I have this great move that I call "The Walrus", where I just lie on top of my opponent & do nothing."

    He also tweeted: "I almost never work out, except for picking up my kids & throwing them in the air."

    Meanwhile, 39-year-old Mr Zuckerberg has already been training in mixed martial arts (MMA) and has recently won jiu-jitsu tournaments.

    I wish Elon follows his big mouth and gets punched hard

  • Are there universal words, and what are they?
  • I read somewhere recently that "OK" is the most widely used expression accross languages. Not universal per se, but close enough.

  • Have you ever returned to a game years later and had a very different experience, despite the game not changing significantly?
  • For me it was Skyrim. The first time I played it, I focused on the main quest, finished, moved to the next thing, nothing special. Years later I reinstalled and it just clicked the way it's supposed to. Man, that was a great time.

  • I'm sure you're all wonderful people, but how can I play the game without encountering anyone else?
  • You can't, but I'd try dissabling crossplay. That could reduce the number of players you'll find (and improve performance btw).

    That being said, once you reach endgame you will find a lot of people on legion events, helltides and world bosses

  • So what's currently up with Druids? Are they okay to play, or no?
  • Level 62 druid here.

    1. Fuck the meta, play what you enjoy.
    2. Druid can handle fine. I'm running a no shapeshift storm build and having a great time.
  • Are there any Reddit refugees spending more time on Lemmy than Reddit?
  • Joined today and I'm loving it so far. Hopefully it is herento stay.