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Awoo Lenins2ndCat

Just discovered the displayname feature.

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China using families as 'hostages' to quash dissent abroad
  • Imperialism does not mean "of empire". It is an economic system, the highest stage of capitalism.

  • PSA: has been compromised! (Edit: Multiple Instances are down)
  • In the 3 years Hexbear has been around it has been attacked A LOT because obviously far right chuds have an interest in messing with leftists but has not to my knowledge had an admin breach. At one point image embeds were completely disabled because they were handing over data they shouldn't though and risked exposing people to doxxing.

  • French police unions release statement stating they are "at war" with "savage hordes" Mort de Nahel : des syndicats de police appellent à combattre les « nuisibles »

    Les syndicats Alliance et Unsa police disent entrer « en résistance » face aux émeutes, « et le gouvernement devra en prendre conscience ».


    > NOW THAT'S ENOUGH... > >Faced with these savage hordes, asking for calm is not enough, it needs to be imposed! > >Reestablishing republican order and preventing the arrested from being able to harm should be the only political signals to be given. > >Faced with these demands, the police family must have solidarity. > >Our colleagues, like the majority of citizens, can no longer suffer the dictate of these violent minorities. (lol) > >The hour isn't for union action, but for the combat against these "harmfuls" (harmful people harmful elements idk) Submitting, capitulating, and pleasing them by laying down arms are not solutions seeing the gravity of the situation. > >All means necessary must be put in place to restore as quickly as possible the rule of law. > >[...] > >[...] > >Today the Police are in combat because we are at war. > >[...] > >The national offices of the National Police Alliance and UNSA Police

    Mélenchon: "Hang the murderous policeman and his accomplice who ordered him to shoot."
  • Doing exactly what is needed to get change to happen when the cops are murdering children in traffic stops by shooting them in the head and then lying about it at every single level of power is good actually.

    When the state refuses to provide justice people should absolutely take it. The threat of the population taking their own justice is precisely what motivates states to provide a source of it that they control.

    I strongly recommend you actually watch what happened.

  • Mélenchon: "Hang the murderous policeman and his accomplice who ordered him to shoot."
  • I do not see how any political leader making a statement of support for protesters over this heinous act is "opportunistic". It's exceptionally important to have their voices sounding off to maintain momentum and public support.

    Say what you will about him not being hard-left enough, I'll give you that. But I don't think it's the time or place for it.

  • Mélenchon: "Hang the murderous policeman and his accomplice who ordered him to shoot." Death of Nahel: Mélenchon calls "for justice", Bardella describes it as "a public danger" -

    Alors que de nombreuses villes de France se réveillent ce jeudi après une nuit d’émeutes, la classe politique s’affronte sur les circonstances de la mort du jeune Nahel à Nanterre. Une marche blanche doit se tenir à 14 heures.

    Death of Nahel: Mélenchon calls "for justice", Bardella describes it as "a public danger" -

    > The guard dogs order us to call for calm. We call for justice. Withdraw the legal action against poor Nahel. Hang the murderous policeman and his accomplice who ordered him to shoot. Leave the paramedic alone.

    Do you hear the people sing?

    Welcome onboard!
  • There is a score kept in the backend, it just has no frontend in default lemmy and only exists if instance devs want to do something custom with it. Some apps are probably using it.

  • The Wagner Mutiny Hit Russia's Air Force Hard. Really Hard.
  • I have not said you should not support the ukrainian people. The problem is that you do not, you are nationalists that support the ukrainian state, not the lives of human beings. They are two quite separate things.

  • UK government considers preparing for scenario of unexpected collapse of Russian Federation
  • The Russian economy is worse off

    What metric are you using to determine this?

    the war will end with Russia getting at most Crimea

    This would require the complete and total collapse of Russia and the formation of a new country. Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk are legally Russia under Russian law. There is no mechanism via which they can be ceded. When everyone eventually sits down at the table they legally can not be put on it by the negotiators that form the Russian side.

    I personally think Russia will take everything south of the Dnipro river then hand over the parts that are not Donbass as a political means of showing that the west won against them in some way.

    Even if there were a mechanism by which these could be tabled I don't see why they would. They are winning, the counteroffensive is achieving absolutely zero, support is very low across Europe and there is very little evidence that their gains will stop.

    What mechanism are you thinking of here? Serious question. How? The only way what you're claiming will happen could possibly occur is via a massive pushback, but that's clearly not happening. You'd need nato to deploy and to kick off ww3 properly.

    a coup in the US is completely unrealistic as of now.

    I know. But the factionalism and divisions make it more likely than in Russia at the present moment in time. That was the point, to highlight that is incredibly unrealistic to expect it to happen in Russia after we've just had a demonstration of failure with almost no division barring the tantrum that occurred.

  • Why do I see different things when viewing the same post on Lemmy vs Beehaw?
  • Oh wow this thread goes way back. I know what happened here it wasn't defederation but simply Beehaw doing it's ideological thing. I was banned on their instance because I am a socialist much like every other socialist that makes an account here and attempts to post or comment over there.

    They alos claim they only defederate for "hate speech" but this is nonsense. They have Hexbear defederated and yet that is the only instance in the entire fediverse with visible pronouns next to usernames, and they crack down far harder on hate speech than any other instance that exists.

    The reality of Beehaw is that they are an ideologically motivated neoliberal instance that repress any opposition while pretending that they do not.

    EDIT: OH and the irony of their defederation with Hexbear is that it's not even federated with ANYONE as it was using a fork of Lemmy without federation until very recently.

  • The Wagner Mutiny Hit Russia's Air Force Hard. Really Hard.
  • Ah man. I'm not sure where I did that this time. Tell me what's grated you and I'll take it back. I thought I gave you a pretty explanatory response.

    Is it because I keep calling american liberals right wing? I thought the last portion of my comment explained quite well what a real left looks like, that's our left, those are our luke-warm mainstream folks with their socdem policies of welfare capitalism saying all the things that would get you called a tankie on reddit. That's the soft-left of the UK, not even the hard-left.

  • UK government considers preparing for scenario of unexpected collapse of Russian Federation
  • I think we're going to end up talking past each other as we disagree and there's a few things we'd just end up repeating over and over so forgive me for skipping a chunk here. I will respond to this though:

    destroying the economy even further

    "Even further" is an odd choice here. The Russian economy is stronger now than before the war sanctions. The sanctions failed miserably, everything that Russia could no longer get from the west it simply gets from South East Asia (China/India mainly) and the Middle East now. Reddit thinks there was some great economic smashing of Russia but it really horribly failed.

    Winning the war is unrealistic at this time, would take a long time

    "Winning" here is more a question of when parties will get round a table to negotiate again. The war almost ended in April but Boris Johnson put a stop to the deal that would have done that. It could end quickly, it could also take a long time, dependent almost entirely on how long the west wants to drag it out as a proxy war for. There is also the question of whether the US and EU might pivot to a focus on China, which would also result in getting round a table to end the Ukraine war first as they simply do not have the means to focus on both at once.

    And about the USA, yeah that’s a bit of a whataboutism. There is a lot of division there and I think they are one bad president away from significantly worsening the situation. We will see about that too I guess.

    It's not really whatabout. It's just useful to have a comparative baseline for "division" to understand what is necessary to create and succeed in a coup. Do you think one would succeed in the US under the current conditions? What factions and groups would need to be involved? This thought experiment is useful for understanding the kind of divisions, alliances and coalitions necessary to making a coup succeed elsewhere. It helps ground your thoughts in a more material reality rather than the fantasies peddled in the media circuit.

  • The Wagner Mutiny Hit Russia's Air Force Hard. Really Hard.
  • i’m not particularly interested in unpacking the psychology of Putin

    We've swapped from discussing the actual concept of power, factions and influential forces that lead to a country going in one direction or another to "putin".

    Do you think that this war would not have happened if a different leader existed? Which politician in United Russia would not have started this war? Which politician in the communist party? Anyone?

    Get past the idea that this war was caused by one man. There are material causes and forces at work that go beyond that. Once you get past that then you can start to understand how and why things happen, something that is extremely useful in avoiding its outcome next time - something I absolutely want to see happen but also something I am not sure americans are capable of given that you've supported every single forever war america has ever engaged in.

    and if "Stirring the pot remains your intention rather than calm, rational discourse, I suggest you try antagonizing someone else.

    Hmmm I do have a somewhat constructive motivation, I'm trying to change the context a little. One thing I've found with my interactions on reddit is that americans don't tend to have an understanding of the left at all, given that the democrats are to the right of our right-wing. A lot of them say things like they want a nice welfare state but have no understanding of how radical the left has to be in order to achieve one, or to defend its existence. Jeremy Corbyn defends the USSR publicly and loudly. Diane Abbot has defended Mao on national TV. John McDonald publicly states "it is my job to overthrow capitalism". Frankie Boyle says we shouldn't be violent, we shouldn't do anything illegal, instead we should make it legal to kill all the capitalists, on national TV with the BBC funded by the taxpayer. My point in stirring a bit is to draw a little more attention to the culture differences we have. Because Americans often seem to mistakenly think they have a left when they don't, and I've found that drawing attention to these significant baseline differences sometimes inspires a bit more curiosity in american liberals to understand it.

  • The Wagner Mutiny Hit Russia's Air Force Hard. Really Hard.
  • And the point of answering why it happened is because it is a necessary component of finding the solution.

    Let's try this instead, so that we're not focused on me and we're in an area that's a bit more constructive: Why do you think the war happened? What caused it?

    I don't think I've insulted liberals that much here but for the sake of stirring the pot this is the general sentiment toward them in my city: It might help some culture differences going on here.

  • The Wagner Mutiny Hit Russia's Air Force Hard. Really Hard.
  • Let's keep it calm yeah? Keep in mind that nothing either of us do or say here matters and there is zero need for it to get emotional. There's no need whatsoever for this to turn nasty and it'd be a shame if it did.

    edit: something that has always fascinated me is how someone could so ardently claim to be a “Marxist” while going to such lengths to defend the actions of an oligarchic autarch of a strictly capitalist and fascist country.

    Nobody has said that. However calling it a fascist country is just a complete misunderstanding of fascism. There is a faction of fascists in Russia, Navalny being a core figure among them. Putin and his faction are authoritarians, deeply unpleasant people, but fascists they are not and misusing the word is misguided. We should use it accurately.

    I've also not defended them. I've said what the left's interpretation of the causes of this war are. You've turned that into "defender of russia" yourself. I can assure you that I and none of the other people I reeled off on that list are fans of the russian state. I want an end to the war, and I didn't want a state to it either. The difference between our factions is that liberals seem to think more guns and more bombs end wars, whereas socialists do not.

    well, when the fact that the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine is what started the war is what’s inconvenient, that’s when “narratives” and “interpretations” assert themselves to deflect blame and cast aspersions upon others who some happen not to like for whatever reason.

    You're doing the "narrative" here. You can't stop yourself from talking like a deeply propagandised individual, this phrase "illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine" is not how normal people talk, it's precisely the language used to set a narrative, and is repeated over and over and over and over in liberal media as part of media collaboration with western interests to set this as the official line of the west and deeply engrain it in its populations. With that said this is a particularly american turn of phrase and is not one used in Europe after the pushback against it succeeded, resulting in at least a little more nuance in our regional politics on the matter.

    It, however, doesn’t change the facts of the matter, regardless of how many straw men, ad hominem, whataboutisms, or other logical fallacies get bandied about.

    That Russia invaded? Yes certainly. But without the context, without understanding the forces in play, without understanding the influences and the historical context you can't tell me WHY russia invaded. And that's the thing here. The liberal explanation of why is just "Because Putin grrrrr, conqueror!", which is I think something you must agree is not really an adequate or academic explanation.

  • The Wagner Mutiny Hit Russia's Air Force Hard. Really Hard.
  • It's completely a matter of interpretation and narratives. The western community has one that serves their interests while Russia has one that serves their interests. Meanwhile the left has a completely different one that recognises the military industrial complex of america profiting off of its new forever war while millions of innocents are sent to their deaths.

    You subscribe to the liberal one. That's fine. I do not.

    I suspect our opinions differ on what "sovereign" actually is here too. I don't consider much of Europe to be particularly sovereign, but instead to be vassal states of US empire referred to colloquially by the american media as "the international community", a funny name given that it excludes 2 thirds of the world. We probably differ on that opinion as well though.

  • The Wagner Mutiny Hit Russia's Air Force Hard. Really Hard.
  • that’s an… interesting viewpoint, and, as a “Westerner”, i see little evidence to support this narrative aside from some Western think tanks both existing and, perhaps thinking what you propose.

    You only need to look at (very small) sample of the attendees of the Atlantic Council's meetings to see that it is directly responsible for a huge amount of policy. These people aren't attending for a laugh, they attend because they know its power and have the same interests and goals as the organisation.

    Understanding the role of these organisations in the wider net of actors is a fundamental knowledge area that most liberals don't have as a result of only really paying attention to media, who always play their role down as the media functions as fundamental collaborators with state interests.

    as for what started this war? that was Russia’s illegal invasion of another sovereign nation. period. and, unless you’re implying that “the West” or even the US somehow controls him or his actions, I don’t see how either had anything to do with Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine.

    This is the liberal western interpretation. It is not the global left's interpretation which has a fairly significant consensus that this war was caused by nato expansionism, ignoring fair security concerns, and the 2014 coup that led to the civil war that preceded this. The left generally doesn't view this war as having started in 2022 but instead in 2014, with Russia eventually joining as a belligerent after exhausting the potential methods of ending it via the Minsk agreements. Both the anarchist and socialist left worldwide pretty much agrees on this, with people ranging from Chomsky, Vijay Prashad, Wolff, Yanis Varoufakis, Lula, Corbyn, Cuba, Bolivia, european socialist parties etc etc etc all having the same take across the board. None of whom get much media exposure of that of course, because like I said before the western media is collaborative with the interests of western states.

    I think for context I should add that I live in the UK and that from the perspective of British politics, american liberals are to the right of our conservatives, most of you would be Tories in the UK. Understanding this context is probably important for you to understand that I do not include liberals when I say "left" or "global left", the american democrats are extremely right wing.

  • UK government considers preparing for scenario of unexpected collapse of Russian Federation
  • I think any serious presidential competitor has yet to emerge - none of the Communist candidates, or Navalny, are credible IMO. 9 months is plenty of time to make a campaign happen though.

    I don't think this is realistic. You're asking for sweeping massive electoral pattern changes that won't happen without a massive crisis functioning as a catalyst. I can't see a source for such a crisis on the horizon though, the frontline isn't going to change while the economic sanctions were resoundingly defeated and hurt we european residents significantly more than Russians.

    FWIW if you want examples of leadership changes during a war, how about Neville Chamberlain?

    Chamberlain was not changed by an election of the population of the UK, he was changed by Conservative party infighting leading to the 1922 committee demanding his resignation in a "do it or we'll do it for you" ultimatum, as they have always done. Chamberlain resigned his position as leader of the Conservative party and Churchill took it.

    There was no election in the UK between the years of 1935 and 1945.

    Or the two revolutions in Russia itself in 1917?

    Generated by an unpopular war in a series of wars that the tsar repeatedly got people killed in for his vanity. This is not an unpopular war though and there is no anti-war movement, it is supported by every political faction of the country. Even the euro liberals don't openly state their opposition and that's not because they would disappear (they wouldn't) but because it would be wildly unpopular and harm their political growth, they are forced into silence through the conditions that currently exist.

    that Putin will be simply “encouraged” behind the scenes to retire rather than run again

    This requires factional fighting, which is non-existent at this time. He has broad across the spectrum support both in his party and in opposition groups because they all see him as ushering in a multi-polar world, which is extremely beneficial to the interests of every faction that exists. I still do not see where you think the factionalism exists for this to happen. Who? Why? What faction is going to push him out and for what purpose? With everyone wanting to see the completion of this project there's no faction internally to interrupt it.

  • The Wagner Mutiny Hit Russia's Air Force Hard. Really Hard.
  • Oh I apologise I forget sometimes everyone here isn't a marxist now after the reddit waves, marxists would just pick up the intention from context and keeping up with news via parties and groups they're in. The "they" here is generally western aligned think tanks and forces. In particular the Atlantic Council which is largely responsible for a lot of US policy has been pushing it around in the media recently.

    And how in the world do you get from here to there? Because all i see now is a fractured and demoralized military that’s lost all momentum, a weakened Putin, a shocked Russian public, and Prigozian and Lukashenko (and who knows who else) lurking in the wings. A lot has already changed, and uncertainty abounds.

    A marxist understanding of the war in Ukraine is as a war that was created by the west, led by the US, that benefits quite a significant number of MIC forces with large influence over US policy. Part of the narrative that maintains support for the war is the ongoing belief that Russia can be defeated, and the method of Russian defeated that has been drummed up is "Russia will collapse" as everyone with any sense can see that there is no military means of victory. If the "Russia will collapse" narrative is destroyed by the reality of a rebellion demonstrating massive support that makes any collapse obviously impossible then the entire house of cards that has been constructed falls down. Thus the result is pushing in the media the notion that it wasn't a real rebellion but instead a grand scheme by devious clever russians.

    If you have questions about how the left interprets the war I'm happy to answer.

  • Lemmy Support Lenins2ndCat

    Why do I see different things when viewing the same post on Lemmy vs Beehaw?

    This post on Lemmy:


    This post on Beehaw:


    @[email protected]'s comment is not visible at all on the Lemmy instance while to me my comment is not visible at all on the Beehaw instance, nothing is showing in modlog though so I assume it has not been removed.

    Am I unaware of a mechanic of federation occurring here? Or is something bugged?
