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ArkyonVeil ArkyonVeil
Posts 2
Comments 23
Firefox 115 can silently remotely disable my extension on any site
  • Can confirm. I just upgraded to 115, and tried out my own extension Obliterate Curves, which is similarly not monitored by mozilla due to how tiny it is. If the current domain is a "Quarantined Domain.", all extensions which aren't monitored will get downright disabled.

    Do note, the list was empty by default. 100% troubling but hard to say where they'll go with it. Might end up as a "tick this website as secure" box later, though I'd personally prefer control over which sites an extension is allowed to run in.

  • updated to 0.18.1-rc
  • Just came to congratulate you for all the hard work. Thank you for making this possible!

  • Warez: Do you pirate software or just use FOSS?
  • For me, it's a simple ordeal. I don't mind paying so long as the product on offer is worth the cost of payment.

    Adobe's pricing model is abusive, so I went with Affinity which is much cheaper and not a subscription. Zynamptic's Morph sounds sweet and is reasonably price, but it comes bundled with a driver based DRM. So I got it for free without the DRM bollocks.

    With games I used to pirate, but games nowadays are dime a dozen. If it looks interesting, I might try out a demo. If the game is shite, refund which is the loudest review you have. Piracy generally isn't worth the risk for software entertainment in my eyes, yours may differ.

    The only thing I still consistently pirate is movies, and that's because they all have DRM up to where the sun doesn't shine. I want to support creators, to help fund what they create. But if I have to pay to have what I bought held for ransom. I'd rather have it for free and forever mine.

    To my memory the only movies I have bought were DVDs, the movie "Ink" (check it out on GOG, it's DRM free and its a pretty cool indie movie) and helped fund a S.T.A.L.K.E.R short film on kickstarter.

    To wrap it up, Gaben was right. It's all about the product/service, its cost (not just price, but ease of access, DRM if any, risks, etc) and what it offers the consumers.

    If I pay for a license which can be taken away at any time, that is one cost. If I can get the same thing for free and forever, but with the minor risk that it can be bundled with malware, that is another. With how bloated pricing models are and the constant DRM abomination that are forced into everything, it's no surprise Piracy is still alive and well today.

  • You too can be a Cracker
  • It's basically what I did. To crack it I changed a single byte to modify the disk read function. Said change was discovered through messing with the IL Code / Assembly.

  • 6000+ tokens context now possible with ExLlama
  • Thanks for reposting the breakthroughs!

    Makes me have to visit Reddit less for news.

    It even rhymes, how neat is that.

  • oobabooga-text-generation-webui now supports EXLlama
  • It would be absolutely awesome, with infinite context length that would mean a much greater ease when it comes to handling models. I can be lazy and instead of creating a LORA, just use an entire book's style as a reference right there in the prompt.

    For programmers, just dump the entire codebase, or Documentation.

    Of course, all this is only possible if VRAM is less of a bottleneck than it currently is, as well as the fact that it can reliably reference information on an arbitrarily large context. (Not much use having huge context if performance degrades, it loses its marbles or forgets key pieces of information along the way)

  • 4 days before reddit's 3rd party app shutdown, Lemmy daily active users has skyrocketed 1400% this month
  • I've been here for a couple of days, if anything, I'm pleasantly surprised. This is not Reddit's first clusterfuck, and although there were alternatives at the time. It's finally nice to find something that isn't full of bigots.

  • oobabooga-text-generation-webui now supports EXLlama
  • I'm actually playing around with EXLlama, IIRC it works with pretty much every model, and it can be a real game changer specially for long conversations, code, or stories.

    Unfortunately there is still the unavoidable problem of the context length burning VRAM like no tomorrow. You either get a decent AI with the attention span of a gold fish or an idiot AI which can remember 3 times as much stuff as before.

    Handy, progress, but ultimately there is still ground to cover.

  • You too can be a Cracker
  • No, I salute you! Assembly is miserable, I count myself lucky that all I needed to do is bust out a sheet with the opcodes to figure out what they did. If I had to actually write Assembly instead of just swapping opcodes, this project would be over in an instant.

  • You too can be a Cracker
  • I may make it sound easy, but when I did this, I already had 8 years worth of C# experience. I definitely recommend that you learn how to program first, then once you know what you're doing. Read up on some tutorials on reverse-engineering. General practices, that sort of thing.

    When you're ready, pick the right tool for the job. If you can decompile to get the code out (like dnspy for example in .NET programs), that's much easier, other languages may require other tools, C++ will likely require hardcore programs such as x64dbg, and you don't wanna touch that until you can understand Assembly to at least a passable degree.

    TL DR: It's hard, but there is a path there, don't eat more than you can chew.

  • You too can be a Cracker
  • There's always a path that leads to where we need to go. For me, I kind of started to get interested when I watched this Excellent video by Exilelord (He did something way harder which was fixing a bug and later adding outright features in a AAA game obfuscated by SECUROM).

    My first rodeo was probably cracking the level security of Synthriders, that one wasn't obfuscated and was modern so it took me about 1-2 hours to get it to spit out the password for the level files.

    Then... the only logical way up was cracking an actual game.

  • You too can be a Cracker
  • Hey! I thought I couldn't do it until I tried. :3

    Sidenote: Background in programming or computer science may be required.

  • You too can be a Cracker
  • I'm guessing you, and possibly Relected's screens are running high DPI screens. Resulting in more pixel density for the same information.

    Edit: Cheers

    Edit2: If you're reading on mobile, blame Imgur. It automatically swaps the original image with a low quality version. To see the original, please check desktop view.

  • You too can be a Cracker
  • It's a fun challenge for sure. For a first one, try not anything too ambitious, modern DRM is bullshit in its difficulty.

  • You too can be a Cracker
  • They are not webp, at least not originally. Try opening the images directly, the text should be crisp, crystal clear.

    Edit: If you're reading on mobile, blame Imgur. It automatically swaps the original image with a low quality version. To see the original, please check desktop view.

  • You too can be a Cracker
  • If anyone is curious about Arena Wars, it's a cute mix between an RTS and an Arena Shooter.

  • Best thread I've seen thus far on the issue of Meta joining the Fediverse
  • I finally arrive at a platform that I believe in, open source, hosted by the people, developed by the people and financed by the people. Barely a day later I learn that even this wretched gaze of Facebook looks over to us with an hungry eye.

    Yet, as much as I despise them. I can only feel pity for those who join them. This is our corner of the web, they are our enemy and wish to invade and destroy us to feed their never ending greed. They are an aged paranoid king trying to kill a potential usurper right in the crib.

    They do not own the web, and they can only usurp us if we let then. We are a federation, and we hold the keys to our world. We may have to grow slowly, and may even be the smaller portion of the Fediverse.

    But you know what? That's okay, we don't have to be the biggest, to have the capacity for the world's masses. Our members are the geeks that founded this place, as well as the refugees that believe that power belongs in a democracy, not in an unaccountable dictatorship.

    As they squeeze their audience we may soon find the last missing piece come to us, creators. They have their fears of course, ad revenue hardly exists on these lands, yet many find themselves just as or even more reliant on fan support than what their platform provides. On one hand always worrying about the ever present executioner's axe that will cut month's worth of work if they dare be mature or step out of what's acceptable for a bitter, old, lonesome soul while seeing utter filth fly unscathed to every eyeball imaginable because they are advertisers and paid for the front row seats. Nothing in life comes free, but we can help make the systems that make it easier and better for all of us.

    I don't know what the future holds, but I know what I want out of this little corner of the web, and that is to exist as a person, part of a community, not a fucking walking credit card.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Do note, I believe that this discussion has little to do with Piracy. While a thing entering public domain would mean that it could be distributed freely, I'm largely concerned about the creators and their ability to remix existing properties, as unfortunately, you can't really pirate copyrights. Everything created based on another's work (which lacks special permissive licensing) is always dancing on the knives edge of the owner's whims.

    With the system as it is, anything that released when you're a five year old, you can only legally remix it when you're so old you can't remember it anymore. (And that's if you're lucky)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Leaning towards the shorter times, as in 10 years by default, with two additional extensions of 10 years up to a maximum of 30 done by filling paperwork and paying a fee. This time frame would provide plenty of opportunity for work to be monetized by their creator, and as well as there being room for continued monetization up to a realistic (IE non eternal) limit. While providing space for new generations to develop things that were abandoned, and the next generation to remix something they enjoyed as children.

  • Anyone else feels that they're more active on Lemmy than they were on Reddit?
  • In Reddit, your words are a drop in the deluge of the masses. Here, every comment, or even a humble upvote can make a difference.

  • Question on Account Migration

    Citizens of Lemmy and Fediverse, Reddit refugee here. Many outrages have befallen, but sensing the impending demise of the website brought me here.

    Through browsing, I've began to understand a few fragments of how the Fediverse works, instances, the way they communicate. It's quite ingenuous actually, specially the way they distribute communities across various servers, easily reachable from a single server via a "remote" format. Fixing one of the problems that the Forums of old had.

    But while I can access, post and comment on a remote instance. From what I came to understand, I believe that that the instance I signed up on, will always be the 'local' one.

    If for whatever reason, one were to migrate instances, leaving their local behind towards a new one, taking their account history and configuration with them. Is that possible?

    Thank you for reading and have a fine day.
