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Anise (they/she)
Posts 4
Comments 86
Idaho bar celebrates "Heterosexual Awesomeness Month" with free beer for straight men
  • I have no problem with people feeling pride about their immutable characteristics. Scottish and proud? Excellent, go put on a kilt and throw one of those giant poles; looks fun! I have a problem when "pride" is used to organize people against a vulnerable minority. So sure, enjoy your super straight free beer with a bar full of other totally straight cis men and talk about... Idk sports or something. However, given the current political climate it seems to me like this is likely a way to gather people resentful of LGBT pride's efforts to claim equal rights. So it isn't a gathering of proud straight men, it is likely a gathering of bitter hateful men.

    LGBT pride exists to fight for equal rights and representation that cis-hetero people enjoy by default; it isn't meant to gain an upper hand or displace cis-hetero people. Far-right extremists like to paint the movement's goals as a way to erase white straight cis culture, but this is just reactionary propaganda to mobilize people against this minority group.

  • Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse"
  • For real. It really is a statement about the quality of that school of their philosophy professors can't understand the non-agression principle, or bodily autonomy, or where one persons rights ends and the other's begins... Apparently don't send your kids to school in Texas.

  • Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse"
  • Agree. When I was in University professors took the stance that we are paying for this so if we want to skip what we are paying for, that's our problem. We were adults and responsible for our own time management.

    Most professors were researchers first and educators second so they didn't really want to be there either...

  • Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse"

    It's part of a larger pattern of men using the new law to control and abuse women in their lives

    Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse"

    "Along with their anger about abortion, they grouse about not being allowed to punish students "for being homosexual or transgender." They also argue they should be able to penalize teaching assistants for "cross-dressing," by which they appear to mean allowing trans women to wear skirts."

    Republicans enraged by Biden’s efforts to keep gas prices lower
  • At worst it is about a wash. Combined cycle power plants are very efficient, much more efficient than even the best ICE engines. You pay for that efficiency with space and equipment weight which is why you don't see that in vehicles. Even with transmission losses and power train losses in EVs your miles per unit of burnt fuel is about as good or better. Mix some green energy in there and you are coming out positive.

  • Every damn day
  • That is a good analysis. I think it ignores the obvious components that the conservatives are well funded precicely because conservative dogma is all about protecting the owner class. Wealthy business people are not going to fund efforts to impose progressive taxation, mandatory sick time etc.

    Sure there are rich people in the arts who lean liberal at least in public, but they are outnumbered and out-spent by capital owners.

    The left will never be able to spend as much on communication so the approach has go be completely different. Using the products of capitalism like social media has been effective. Peer-to-peer organizing is slow but costs little. Tacking pro-worker policies onto the platforms of the otherwise pro-business Democrats as a differentiator has lead to some success.

    Reaching the mass media reach of the far right is so difficult to do without the capital backing though. The left really needs to get into the talk radio game. NPR tries but they are inevitably quite centrist.

  • Consumers are so demoralized by inflation and high rates they've given up on saving for the American Dream and are spending money instead, economist says
  • Quiet quitting is just middle management's manipulative language for people doing their jobs adequately but then not putting in a bunch of unpaid extra effort. When there is no incentive to go above and beyond, why should anyone? It is the job of management to create those incentives, but if they are unwilling to pay for that, complaining about people's work ethic to try to guilt them into doing unpaid work is their next strategy. It isn't very effective.

  • Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom
  • I will just never go back to the south. I won't spend tourism money in places that want me dead. I am not shy to tell friends and family to avoid it too. Most people are unaware of how bad it is getting out there for trans people and when I tell them they usually agree that they don't want to support those economies either.

  • Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom
  • This has nothing to do with bathrooms, privacy, or "protecting women." The entire intent of laws like these is to attack trans people and make it effectively illegal to be trans in public. Fascists need a minority enemy in order to maintain power and we are their latest favourite punching bag.

  • Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption
  • EV weight is a legitimate concern both in terms of road and tire wear. However, this is a problem more generally given the current market trend towards driving a siege tower around to go grab some groceries.

    If he cared about the grid he'd put solar panels up.

  • LGBTQ+ Anise (they/she)

    Fascists want to turn every citizen into an informant Thomas 🔭✨ (@[email protected])

    (Copied from So Utah, having passed a transphobic bathroom bill, has launched an online form for people to snitch on folks they think are in the "wrong" bathroom or locker room. Be a real shame if people on the Internet flooded ...

    LGBTQ+ Anise (they/she) Conservative Ad Makes Case for Transgender Rights

    GRACE's sixty-second commercial features a South Carolina military vet who talks about supporting his transgender son.

    Conservative Ad Makes Case for Transgender Rights

    This is the sort of messaging I would love to see more of. We aren't going to convince actual Nazis to change their minds but this is the sort of thing that should remind old-school Republicans that anti-trans legislation is anti-freedom legislation.

    LGBTQ+ Anise (they/she)

    Republicans Issue New Government Shutdown Threat Over Trans People (USA) Republicans Issue New Government Shutdown Threat Over Trans People

    On Wednesday, the House Freedom Caucus issued a letter indicating that the government may shut down if anti-trans polices are not included.

    Republicans Issue New Government Shutdown Threat Over Trans People

    I will be calling my representatives and letting them know that I would sooner see the government shutdown than see any of these proposals become law.
