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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 12
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[Serious] What's your hot take?
  • Because we can debate all-day about what is a man or a women or non-binary and gender roles etc. But I would say debating what is a male or female is much easier and simply comes down to genetics.

    Edit: imagine getting down voted for saying XX chromosomes are female and XY is male haha, I guess we're just ignoring the science of genetics now

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • Is English your second language? I didn't say it can't be associated to a person or group, I said it doesn't need to.

    I also didn't say that you can't have more than one problem, I just addressed the one you seemed to be concerned with and defined it as one that I'm not interested in debating.

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • Vernacular doesn't need to belong to a person or even a group of people.

    If your problem is with the people who say it and not the word itself, that's a different issue and one that I'm not really interested in debating.

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • There are very few women chess players at the top level of the game. The reasons for this are debatable, it could simply be that women are less interested in chess or that women are put off by a male dominated "sport", but I've also heard that men are much more likely to have a specific type of autism that makes them especially suited to doing well at chess.

    I'm absolutely open minded to the idea that women can become top level chess players and that women's titles could be made redundant, but I think it's reasonable to see the evidence of this before we say that it's an equal playing field for both sexes. I'd suggest that we should see a decent proportion of women in the top one hundred players of the world, or even the top two hundred and fifty.

    Given the current ranking of chess players, it's really hard to say that women have the same chess ability as the men and I absolutely don't want that to come across as sexism, it's just factual.

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • I would argue that if you had a tumor at age ten then waiting until 18 may not be possible, but you could wait until you're 18 to make permanent changes to your body as part of a transition. Although I accept that gender dysphoria can be extremely challenging to mental health, I don't think it's equatable to dying from cancer.

    There are many things children can do to transition up to the point they are an adult and fully responsible for themselves that are wholly reversible. I personally think that's where the line should be drawn.

    I do understand however that it's an extremely nuanced subject and I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert. I can only speak from personal experience that I wouldn't want to be held to account for many of the things I said, the beliefs I had and the opinions that I held when I was a child (I don't even want to be held to account for some of those things as an adult, but that's life, after you're considered an adult, it's on you).

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • If sex doesn't matter in curling or chess, then why are there different competitions for men and women in curling and why do women get their own titles in chess?

    I do understand the sentiment of what you're saying, but it's not the reality we live in.

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • If we're talking about Lemmy rather than wider society then;

    Inb4; I'm broadly in support of trans people and trans rights/equality but I think there are three small snagging issues

    That people who identify as a women but who went through puberty as a male shouldn't be competing in women's sports. I think it's a basic issue of fairness and that it ultimately disincentives people born female from entering a career in sports competitions.

    That there is a serious debate to be had about trans people in women's changing rooms. I know it is a very nuanced and sensitive topic and I don't pretend that I have the answer, but I don't think it is as simple as "I identify as X so I'll use X changing room". I'd like to make it clear that I don't think this is a "sneaky perv" issue but rather a debate about spaces that should possibly be reserved for people born as female.

    That no permanent changes should be made to the bodies of children. If you're not old enough to get a tattoo, piercing, drink, smoke etc. Then you're not old enough to make an extremely important decision that will effect you for the rest of your life.

  • What food can or has given you the ick.
  • I've had great and terrible gins. I remember a bottle called St James from France which was so bad that it's one of the few bottles of alcohol in my life that I ended up pouring down the sink, I couldn't get it to taste good regardless of what I tried mixing it with.

  • What food can or has given you the ick.
  • Same, although I tolerate a mushroom here or there now, I never select them to eat by my own choice.

    I was in a cafe recently and the table next to me ordered mushroom soup, the smell nearly made me sick, I was pretty hungover that day though!

  • Pope clears way for 'God's influencer' to become a saint

    Carlo Acutis, who was born in London, is set to become the first millennial to be canonised.

    Pope clears way for 'God's influencer' to become a saint

    A colleague sent a video of a murder at work today and I'm still seething. What rights do I have? (UK)

    It's already well known at work that I don't just not like gore videos but that I hate them and actively avoid them.

    A colleague sent me a video of a man being murdered by axe via WhatsApp to my personal phone on my lunch break. Before I opened it I asked if it was a video that I would want to see (because I know what sort of character he is), he implied it was fine.

    Despite my suspicion I took his word and watched it. I immediately scolded him, he then made light of the situation, I told him that it wasn't funny and that if it ever happened again I would be making a formal complaint immediately.

    A couple of minutes later, another colleague came in to the mess room, the guy that sent the video made fun of me for not liking the video in front of them. I told him that he was making fun of me and that I wasn't ok with that.

    Do I have the right to not be sent murder videos? What would an employer do if I made a complaint?


    System Of A Down - Boom!

    Watching this video (probably 15 years ago) was the moment I realised I was left wing.

    0 UK facing food shortages and price rises after extreme weather

    Heavy rain likely to cause low yields in Britain and other parts of Europe, with drought in Morocco hitting imports

    UK facing food shortages and price rises after extreme weather

    Achievement unlocked!

    It wasn't a very long game but I had 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes and 0 blunders!

    The London is the first opening I've learnt, I've been practicing it for a while now and I'm feeling like I'm getting good at it.

    Maybe it's time to learn another opening. Any suggestions?


    The Other One free CD album

    Hi All,

    I accidentally ordered a double of this album, I'll send it to to one of you guys free of charge if you're willing to DM me your address (only willing to post to UK addresses).

    First come first serve!


    Car Mechanics of Lemmy - Do you have a puncture repair kit that you would recommend?


    I already have a good tool kit, drill, needle files etc, so I'm mainly looking for a kit that doesn't needlessly double up on tools that I already have but I'm here for your advice so I'll look at anything you recommend.

    Ideally the kit would have enough bits and pieces that I could store it and keep it for future punctures also, but I could just order a multiple of single use kits if that is what you'd recommend.

    Please let me know! Thanks.

    AmITheAsshole XIIIesq

    AMITA I did not disclose how much I have in a savings account to my girlfriend

    Hi All,

    I have a savings account for purpose of which is to save up for "new teeth". My own teeth are all rammed full of fillings, the bottom row are not straight to say the least and two on the top row have irremovable stains and one needs a root canal. I hate my teeth so I would like a much more permanent solution to all my problems, I've also always had confidence issues about my smile. (I didn't look after my teeth well when I was young, but that's another story)

    My aim is to save for all on four or all on six permanent dentures type thing. As a route to get decent looking teeth with no pain or infection problems. I have a savings account which I put in to every month to save for this and I think it will take another three or four years until I can afford them.

    Last night, my girlfriend of about two years who is currently moving in asked how much I had saved in it. We are a little tight on money right now, I work full-time but she has been struggling to get more than 9 hours a week that she has to travel quite far for. I took her question as a bit of a threat quite frankly, that if she knew that I had a fair amount saved, then I might seem like a tight arse for not being more generous with money situations. She does know that I hate my teeth and that I want to save to get them fixed.

    I said "none of your business" and I do now regret the tone that I used.

    The next morning she was in tears saying things like she couldn't understand why I would keep a secret like that.

    I have expressed to her that I regret seeming quite abrasive about what was possibly a fully innocent question on her part and explained that I thought personal savings were a private matter. I wouldn't ask her how much her savings were for example.

    I now understand that some couples have full financial transparency with eachother. But I for some reason feel quite uncomfortable about that right now. I currently pay all the bills which is fine, I've been paying for everything myself for the last eight years or so and she does want to start contributing a bit which is great. I don't have any secret debts or anything like that to hide.

    I know I could have handled the situation better but I'm wondering if I'm an arsehole for not telling her how much savings I have for a purpose of which I'm already considering as spent money?


    Advice wanted. Why does my cat jump out of his skin?

    Hi all,

    I've recently adopted an 8 year old ginger tom from the rescue centre. We don't know much of his history except for that his old owner passed away and no one else in the family was willing to take him.

    We've have had him about 8 weeks and he does have some strange behaviour issues like being a little bit scratchy and bitey, but this mostly seems to be misdirected play and he has been improving whilst we try to be understanding and accommodating. Apart from that he's a lovely cat. He's quite clingy and always wants to know what you're up to!

    Anyways, on to the question. Every know and then, when he is relaxing, not even asleep sometimes. He will launch him self out of his skin! It's obviously a fear reaction but I have no idea what sets him off. He recovers from this almost immediately and usually just starts relaxing again.

    I wondered if anyone had any experience or advice of a cat that does this? I've had cats my whole life but I have never seen one do this before.


    Quiet PC build

    My first PC build in ten years, my current PC hardware is incompatible with the latest windows release. I'm aiming for quietness and reliability over power.

    I'm quite excited to get my hands on some parts again. Let me know what you think! :D
