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Current theme is....CABLES! (Updated March 5th)

Current theme: šŸ§¶ CABLES šŸ§¶

If there's one design feature that is quintessentially knitting, it's got to be cables! Chonky ones, intricate ones, symmetrical ones or weird ones, almost every knitter has tried them and found out the biggest secret of our craft: cables are a lot easier than they look šŸ¤«


If you're entering a finished project please remember to format your post titles like so to help me easily keep track:

>[CABLES] This is an example post title

Thanks šŸ˜„


Upcoming themes:

| Date | Theme | |---|---| | Mar | Cables | | Apr | TBD | | May | TBD |


Previous winners:

| Theme | Winner | |---|---| | Knitting fail | Kurobita's accidental moebius | Socks | QTpi's string theory socks | Baby + Toddler | Weirdsquid's toddler cowl | Halloween | TheGiddyStitcher's long-awaited Halloween socks (ugh) | New technique | Kurobita's pastel bubble hat | | Homewares | QTpi's kiddie washcloths | | Summer knits | Catsdoingcatstuff's Criss Cross Top |


More info:

  • The active theme will change every month
  • Themes could be anything from "shawls" to "cotton yarn" to "new-to-you techniques" and basically whatever I can think of (suggestions welcome in the comments!)
  • You can check current and upcoming themes both here in the sticky thread and also in the sidebar
  • Most upvoted project will be declared "winner" and added to the sidebar for the duration of the next round



> Do the projects need to be old?

Nope they just need to be fully finished

> What counts as ā€œfully finishedā€?

Weave in your ends, slacker!

> Can I still post my normal everyday knitting and questions and memes and stuff?

Yes of course, this is just a fun bonus activity

> What if a project fits multiple themes?

Honestly, use your judgement. Iā€™ll put a list of the next few upcoming themes in the community sidebar so you can decide where it fits best, or if youā€™ve not posted it in a while feel free to enter it again! Maybe include different photo angles or a new tip youā€™ve thought of since last time. I think we have a ways to go before the rate of new posts becomes spammy, at which time weā€™ll rethink.

> Can I enter more than one thing for the same theme?

Absolutely! But please make them separate posts šŸ˜Š

> Do projects that are only partially knitted still count?

As long as thereā€™s some knitting somewhere in there, I for one want to see it!


Useful links to related craft communities

Knitting friends! Since makers tend to make more than one sort of thing, and we crafters need to stick together, here's a list of fellow creative communities for your navigation pleasure.

For each craft I'll include the current most active community first as well as alternatives, and add each with their full URL as well as local links for Lemmy and Kbin users respectively.

I hope it's useful!

















Suggestions welcome, and I'll do my best to keep this updated as I find more relevant groups / smaller groups merge etc.

Craft on, people. Craft on šŸ™‚


This AliExpress circular needle kit is actually... good?

I bought this kit from Aliexpress. Iā€™m not very picky about my needles, but I do have have the Chiaogoo red ones. I wanted a set to travel with and these seem good so far, which is kind of surprising.

Price $38.38 Canadian

3-8mm needles


Just in case anyoneā€™s in the market for some needles.


Yip Yip Hanging Baskets

Just in time to start my mystery knit along, I finished both yip yips. The knit eyes worked out really well. Iā€™ve never laughed so much while knitting something, these were a really fun project



Yip Yip Hanging Basket

Remember those ā€œMartiansā€ from Sesame Street? A friend asked me to make a couple of these for their kid. My first one is on the left and the pattern photo is on the right. Iā€™m going to try to knit some eye balls instead of using ping pongs, weā€™ll see how that goes



FO from a few years ago

*What makes a cardigan, Mr. Lebowski? *

Knowing almost nothing about knitting before I started this project, I spent many months trying to recreate the original as faithfully as possible. And you can try it yourself as well :)

CAVEAT: I am not a designer, the pattern is only available in one size, and it can be a pretty difficult knit at times.

BUT: it's free, and I can answer questions if you try your hands at making it!

Raverly link (The Dude Copycat Cardigan)


Super proud of this shawlette, couldn't wait until it's done blocking to post it!

The pattern is free on Ravelry- 198 Yards of Heaven. I used Madeline Tosh Vintage in Fatal Attraction (1 skein). I'll have to post it after it's dry because this picture doesn't do the color justice.


A guide to knitting

Seems to be put together with images from The 4-H Knitting Handbook.


What sources of information (e.g. books with patterns, yarn ranking sites, how-to-guides) do you use for knitting?

While I am asking about what knitting resources you use I might as well plug this thread asking for knitting resources for beginners.

I have a Ravelry account I rarely use. I come here from time to time. I still have a few how to knit books I got as a child. And I have a few specific tutorials (none are video-only, they are all image + text tutorials) bookmarked online that I know I'll need to refer back to sometime in the future:


Finally, I keep the pattern I am working on written out in Obsidian (@[email protected] says hi), with a little note at the bottom describing the tension I am using and this: "Finished row x, need to start at row x + 1". (If I wrote 'row x' I would have no idea if I just finished it and need to start x + 1, or if I just finished x - 1 and need to start row x. That was a serious issue for me when using just a counter that ticks up. I could just technically write 'Finished row x' but I feel better both writing that and 'need to start row x + 1'.)


Socks are coming along

Slow but steady progress on my socks

Pattern: Hermoineā€™s Everyday Sock


WIP Wednesday

Needed a new car knitting project as my Kelowna sweater is too big now to work on comfortably. So I cast on some socks for me.

Pattern: Hermoineā€™s Everyday Socks

Yarn: Knit Picks Felici in Palm Springs colorway


Kelowna sweater progress

Decided to get sleeve island out of the way. Iā€™m worried I wonā€™t have enough yarn even though Iā€™m on gauge. I am using different yarn than the pattern and itā€™s definitely not the bulkiest bulky yarn Iā€™ve ever used.

I picked up 12 stitches in the underarm (instead of the patternā€™s 6) because I was worried about holes. I may have some small ones to close up at the end but weā€™ll see how they look after blocking.

Pattern: Kelowna sweater


Spring/Summer Light Hoodie

Just finished this. Took about a month. The pattern is free!

Since itā€™s unisex I used a Caron cotton cake in DK I think and knit the small size. I followed the guidance on the label for needle size. It started as an experiment and ended as a happy accident.

Also, I modified by adding the panel in the hood and icord string.


My most special knitted mitts

(Please excuse the fuzz and pilling, these are OLD)

Ok these are definitely not the most "impressive" cabling project I've done, but they are by far the most special to me so I'm going with them for cables month! A few reasons I love them so:

  • I won this yarn in a knitting group on Google+ (RIP), about a month after I'd started knitting in 2013. It was my first ever fancy yarn and I was so incredibly excited!

  • Because I was such a new knitter, these gloves were my first ever cables, and also my first time using DPNs. Felt like too many extra hands, I still don't like DPNs to this day!

  • And because I like to jump in at the deep end, when one of them went wrong I decided to drop stitches down and figure out how to rebuild the cables as I picked the stitches back up. Worked pretty flawlessly and I was SO proud of myself!

  • Last but not least, they always remind me of a friend who sadly passed away a year or so later. She helped me a lot with my first few projects, shoutout to Bernie ā¤

Pattern is Roundabout Fingerless Gloves, and here's a bonus pic of the other side where the left one is looking weirdly baggy but I swear they do actually fit irl šŸ˜„



I had so much analysis paralysis adapting a pattern for this cardigan. I'm happy with the result but mostly relieved that it's done

I just finished this cardigan and because it was a gift I tried really hard to make it look tidy.

The yarn is recycled yarn ("I used to be a pullover") in Murano green.

The pattern is adapted from the raglan pattern in Ann Budd's book "The knitter's handy book of sweater patterns."

Edit: a few more detail shots of the cardigan:


Back of the zipper. I made a tiny strip to cover the zipper fabric.


Front of the zipper. I knit a strip sideways along the entire edge of the front panels and folded it onto itself to make a roll that would cover the zipper.


The cuff. I had such a hard time finding a cuff I liked and that would look good and not wavy. I ended up making a 2x2 rib and I really like how regular it is.


The front panel mounted on my knitting machine, taking up 198 of the 200 needles available.


Finished my first child sweater

Basic ranglan sweater. I used a cake of self-striping yarn for the body and finished off the sleeves with a spare skein in mustard. The pattern was very fun and easy to follow, I'm looking forward to knit more kid's projects because they're so quick xD


WIP Wednesday - Hope to finish just in time for summer

All balled up: !


Knitting community theme for March is...CABLES!

If there's one design feature that is quintessentially knitting, it's got to be cables! Chonky ones, intricate ones, symmetrical ones or weird ones, almost every knitter has tried them and found out the biggest secret of our craft: cables are a lot easier than they look šŸ¤«

For once, I know exactly which project to post for this one. Just have to actually take proper photos, approximately eleven years after finishing the knitting part.

Cables are so squishy and fun, I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else has to show!


Anyway. Normally I announce a winner of the previous month but "winner" might not apply this time around!

Congratulations @[email protected] on the dubious honour of having the most highly upvoted knitting fail šŸ˜‚

Very much appreciate everyone who shared, and it just goes to show crafting doesn't always go to plan.


Ok, off with you. Go find your cable-est thing to show us!

(I need to come up with some new themes before next month so if anyone wants to make a suggestion, do feel free)


That time I forgot yarn weights are a thing

Ok I wasn't sure what to post as a knitting fail. Tbh, there've been a lot, because that's how you learn!

There was the lace shawl I made after just a month of learning to knit, out of completely unsuitable cotton yarn that did the finished piece no favours at all (never mind all the actual knitting mistakes I made, too).

There was the summer top I frantically knitted for a holiday and finished literally in the car on the way to the airport, only to find out it was about three sizes too small because I'm nothing if not optimistic.

But these were forgivable, for I was just a newbie.

Not so with the time I decided to jump on the trend of everyone knitting the Find Your Fade shawl. I went through the stash, picked out a combo of yarns that could definitely not be described as a "fade" but I quite liked anyway, and got to work.


Unfortunately I'm crap at knitting shawls, and it took a year to get through the first two sections. So I've now been knitting in general for about 7 years, and on this specifically for 1.

THEN, and only then, I go to start the third colour and realise I've just sort of...completely mixed and matched yarn weights and this was never going to work? Honestly no idea how it never occurred to me until that point.

So, long story short, absolute fail, frogged it and was very salty about it. This may or may not have been when I decided a ban on shawl knitting was in order, a ban which has served me well.


Actually making some progress for WIP Wednesday, for once!

Slow progress, as per, but it'll do.

On the left is the start of my Big Damn Heroes shawl, honestly not sure if I've posted this here yet but it's been at least a couple of weeks since cast-on which should tell you all you need to know about rate of completion šŸ˜…

Definitely requires a bit more concentration than I've been able to give lately, so I just keep defaulting to the socks instead.

Speaking of, that's the second sock of a pair using the Show Off Stranded pattern.

The weird heel construction (knit the gusset along with the heel flap) resulted in a slightly different fit than I'm used to, but I think it feels ok. Will only really know once I'm wearing them as a pair, so fingers crossed, but the yarn is so happy right now I don't care about the perfect fit šŸ˜„

What's everyone else been up to? Feel free to humiliate me with your productivity levels, I don't mind at all...

[FO] Yip Yip Hanging Baskets
  • Brilliant!

    Some background for those who might not know.

  • Tips on tensioning continental?
  • @Emotional_Series7814

    It's sometimes easier to spot problems when you watch someone doing the thing.

  • Tips on tensioning continental?
  • @Emotional_Series7814

    Try using different methods of working the yarn around your left hand. I have a "standard" method, but some yarns need more or less tension to run smoothly through your fingers, so I adapt.

    Different material for needles, different types of needles maybe. I find it easier to knit evenly on circulars. Play around with needle size as well.

    Another thing is your "inner tension". It's easier to knit evenly when you're relaxed.

    Could you ask another knitter in person?

  • I've learned I really don't like large needles
  • I did! Just a few days ago. I like how it turned out, so I guess the huge needles were worth it.

  • Sweater curse
  • @CrayonMaster
    I think it's confirmation bias.

    A lot of relationships break up at some point. A lot of people knit or crochet or quilt (I've seen this as blanket curse, too). So of course sometimes this breakup will happen just after a big project has been finished and gifted.

    Once you start asking around the internet some will have experienced it, some will have heard of a case where it happened āž”ļø a new meme is created.

  • Made this drop-stitch scarf for a friend, really happy with how it turned out!
  • The pattern is free, so here it is. It's actually pretty easy to make, I hope your friends make you one!

  • A guide to knitting
  • Sorry for the videos! I don't hate them but I can definitely see the attraction of images. Sometimes I need help with just one little step and a 30min video is really an overkill.

    The last guide is very good for continental knit stitch. It shows the left hand with the yarn and where the fingers are in every step.

    As for the mount. The gist is: you enter the needle the certain way and wrap the yarn the certain way. If done correctly, you'll end up with a nice fabric. If you mix techniques without knowing, it'll go haywire. This article has plenty of visuals and explanations.

  • A guide to knitting
  • Aghhhh I despise watching videos to learn and was specifically seeking out static visual guides to learn continental, which is why I'm definitely not happy that my guide isn't for continental. Thanks again for correcting my mistakes. Still not 100% sure what western mount is (a specific way to knit all on its own, like English and Continental? A foundation upon which those two build?) but I did retitle this to get rid of the claim it would teach Continental.

    And this is the Fediverse, not a private conversationā€”feel free to post information! I personally feel the more useful information, the better, and would like more information. But even if I did not, someone else browsing the thread might appreciate it :)

    Hope this guide is not incorrect.

  • A guide to knitting
  • First off, sorry I confused you even more because I used a wrong word in one sentence, edited it now.

    Two distinct styles are continental knitting (yarn coming from the left) and English knitting (yarn coming from the right). Both have slight variations with their own names but it kinda makes sense. The schematics you provided don't demonstrate how the yarn is held or hooked behind the needle so it's not specifically continental. However, the way the needle is inserted to the stitch and the direction the yarn is wrapped, that's western mount. Good thing is, most infomaterials in English are based on western mount so the long descriptions of complicated stitches and decreases and all are based on it regardless of your continental vs English style so all that makes sense.

    If you want some good visual for continental knitting, check out Nimble Needles or Roxanne Richardson in YouTube, both very proficient teachers. For Norwegian knitting check out Arne and Carlos, that's a subgroup of continental.

    If you want me to ramble about mounts or find good visuals, lmk, otherwise I feel like I'm dumping too much stuff on people who haven't asked for any of it.

  • A guide to knitting
  • @Emotional_Series7814 the book says ā€œwrap the yarnā€, thatā€™s English. Continental would be picking the yarn with your right needle.

  • WIP Wednesday
  • @Empricorn Work In Progress!

  • I had so much analysis paralysis adapting a pattern for this cardigan. I'm happy with the result but mostly relieved that it's done
  • Do you mean for the cuffs? I worked from the bottom up so the ribbing is cast on, not bound off unfortunately.

    However, there is a bind off method I swear by called the invisible ribbed bind off.

    I hope this is helpful to you!

  • Anyone else make spreadsheets for their projects?
  • @thegiddystitcher

    I've been known to do that ... Every once in a while. To keep track of stitch count and yarn used at each step.

  • Squid hat
  • Here's one I found in York a while back, for your perusal.