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Into knitting and crochet (with interest in spinning and weaving), food, dogs and other cute animals, sci-fi/fantasy, games and gaming, tech/gadgets. Migrated from

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Comments 13
WIP Wednesday
  • @Empricorn Work In Progress!

  • WIP Wednesday: Handsome Chris Pullover
  • @stevestevesteve Wow that is really a gorgeous sweater!

  • What sort of holiday gifts are you knitting this year?
  • @thegiddystitcher
    @kurobita I am thinking of making these for our holiday tree, and if it goes well they might be a gift for someone next year

  • What sort of holiday gifts are you knitting this year?
  • @thegiddystitcher As far as I have committed right now I am doing zero gift knitting and knitting things only for myself. At least until January.

  • More Socks
  • @thegiddystitcher I see that my comment appeared like magic!!! Also December is sock month OMG

  • More Socks
  • @thegiddystitcher Sock blockers are pretty much unnecessary unless you do some kind of lacy thing that you want to have show up in photos! (Also weird that whoever you were responding to doesn’t show up in this thread but maybe it’s a lemmy thing?)

  • WIP Wednesday: Super chunky is the way to go
  • @thegiddystitcher I used alpaca once and the biggest challenge for me was that they don’t have the same elasticity as wool so the didn’t stretch and then snap back the way I would have wanted. Probably should not have done a stranded color pattern with alpaca. Can’t tell you too much about how well they wore because I didn’t wear them much even though they were beautiful.

  • WIP Wednesday: Super chunky is the way to go
  • @thegiddystitcher Didn’t join the lemmy version (yet), just responded to the post appearing over here!

  • WIP Wednesday: Super chunky is the way to go
  • @thegiddystitcher Super chunky definitely makes a sweater super fast! My question will be how you like the fit and look once it’s completed …

  • Is a boat neck sweater a suitable first project if you've only ever knitted scarves before?
  • @Knitwear It could be a great learning experience if you are open to some steps forward and backwards along the way. I went directly to socks which are smaller but also complex in their own way. So it’s all up to what you feel like doing!