What's your go-to method to get un-stuck while worldbuilding?
I've been in a bit of a rut lately as my progress on my world's history is crawling along. I like what I've added, but it seems to come at one detail a day.
When you're feeling stuck or blocked, what's your go-to method to fix it?
Take a break. Go do something else to refuel creativity. And take some small notebook. Ideas will often pop up by themselves when you engage with something else.
I would say, to get busy with something else. Having to do other stuff and not get any time to work on your world will eventually gnaw at you. When you finally get your hand on a writing implement and two hours of free time, then you will get a rush of creativity and progress.
Take a break. Play some video games. Maybe watch a few videos on historical battles or events. Ideas seem to drum up then. When it comes to culture, sometimes I'll ask ChatGPT for ideas on traditions like burial practice. A few tweaks here and there and I'm back in business.