The fact that drug tests are normalized for jobs is fucking insane
and no one irl even has the decency to agree with me because it's so fucking drilled into the culture that these fucking BuNsInNesSes have a Right to do this because it's a bSUsniEss. like oh yeah they have an office building so they definitely get to analyze my piss because they say they want to. sick fucking freaks.
preaching to the choir a bit on lemmy (or i would hope so at least) but still
In some cases it is, yes, worse. But in many cases it's just the press the Americans spew about themselves living in the "land of the free" while the jackboots march in unison ever closer.
I can understand the high risk jobs one and think that’s fair. In the town I grew up in some factories would do drug test as a way to fire people with cause instead of having layoffs. A few were more seasonal work, so once seasons changed and demand dropped then more drug testing started.
It’s also an insurance thing. Drug testing programs are expensive, but the insurance companies incentivize it with huge discounts. It turns out that people who don’t do drugs are less accident prone and are usually a bit healthier too. This explains why US hospitals frequently test for tobacco use. It has nothing to do with the legality of use. This is why even with weed getting legalized many companies will still test for it.
Legally, where I live, healthcare workers have to change out of their scrubs, and leave the hospital/clinic area to have a smoke - as smoke can severely impact some patients health, and even residue on clothing has been shown to have a statistically significant impact.
They test employees. It’s often hospital policy that their employees do not smoke, and while I’m sure they dont like the look of nurses and doctors smoking on hospital grounds, its really that the hospital gets a big discount on employee health insurance.