Our 13 month old is fully vaccinated. We do this crazy thing where we trust our doctor. He's doing great and we're doing our part...it is so frustrating how stupid Republicans are
I'm implying that someone can question a "consensus" without being crazy, and can question evidence without being anti-vax. Look at Paul Offit on the more moderate end, or Vinay Prasad on the more extreme end.
What I said was two very pro-vaccine vaccine researchers who were called conspiracy theorists for saying there may be some costs to mandating vaccination.
Any and every intervention has a cost, even if its just the cost of paying someone to administer and produce it.
We had one of our cats in the vet a while back and she noted that he needed his rabies vaccine, and we could tell she was a little nervous about how we would respond. We said, "Do it!", but apparently she's had a few people respond negatively...
As in, your pet could contract rabies, bite or scratch you, and then you don't get the shot in time due to either denial, or you're too ignorant to see the symptoms of rabies in your pet, or they are displaying the more subtle symptoms and you don't catch it?
Even if you do catch it and treat yourself, now Fluffy has a fatal illness and has to die.