If you want the whole thing, I can certainly provide it! Not the same owl, but a reasonable facsimile.
I generally don't put prey stuff up for people that don't want to see it. They are adorable to us, but to most other living things, owls are a vicious apex predator. Even animals that don't get messed with by anyone like skunks and porcupines actively avoid owls specifically. Heck, owls will even kill other owls.
Beautifully shot video though, so check it out if you want to see the Hawk Owl get takeout.
Hawk Owl catching and eating a live rodent
Yes! The one of it all puffed up was the one I originally clicked on, but then when I saw him looking like he fell out of the tree, I knew it was one I had to post!
I like the hawk owls. They have the head of the Pygmy and burrow owls, but the body of the larger owls. Best of both worlds 😄