I totally relate to being caught on the backfoot by sudden loss of competence. For me the loss of competence feels like a loss of value. And oof the overwhelm at simple to-do lists. I absolutely lost my shit yesterday, about how life is just doing tasks until you die.
Cries in ADHD. Seriously, I thought I was having a midlife crisis. Everything is just struggling to maintain and trying to tick off as much as possible from the list and somehow the list never changes anymore.
I sure am starting to feel this way. Not that I ever was put together but things have gotten harder the last year or so. And from what you all are saying it's going to get worse. Bleh! At least I found this community instead of going in blind.
“ambushed by a sudden inability to deal with stress”
wow, exactly.
This is fascinating, thank you for sharing! I’ve only very recently learned all my “I’m def going crazy” new traits I was investigating are perimenopause, and that I’m not losing my mind or “definitely dying” (anxiety is winning as one of the top symptoms). But I had not yet tied my complete inability to handle even the smallest stressor to it yet!
I was a freaking Major Incident Manager for 10 years, someone people called in a major crisis when things were really going sideways at my large company, and now I unravel if my kid forgets their thermos or spills their milk. This is helpful, thank you! It’s unfortunate that it sounds like finally getting onto HRT won’t fix this piece, but at least it helps to have an explanation
MHT/HRT will help with a lot of symptoms, but you're right, it's not going to make everything feel better all the time. Exercising regularly definitely helps and of course getting a good night's sleep, but we know that's not always possible either.
Does someone in your family have ADHD? Might seem odd to ask but something most people don't know is that the symptoms of ADHD tend to get worse with menopause. Estrogen help to keep ADHD in check but when it drops so does the symptoms get worse.
Same thing can be noted before starting menstruation so women with ADHD might need a higher dose of their meds during that time.
It's not odd to ask at all! I am late-diagnosed with ADHD and ASD, and yes, my symptoms did get worse with menopause. It was actually the worsening of my symptoms that led me to seek diagnosis.
I'm wondering about this myself because I have always had issues with things but the past year has just been...out of control I guess? Some things my boss said to me after almost getting fired kind of got me thinking. I don't know, I've looked into it and want to at least get checked. Just in case. And I am pretty sure I have dyscalculia I've never gotten diagnosed with so might do that too.
How did you even go about getting a diagnosis at a later age if I might ask. I've read it can be hard. I know I need to go see a doctor for physical stuff and might ask to see a therapist but the mental health kind of sucks with my insurance and hospital group. It's been years. Somebody needs to drag me there kicking and screaming like a toddler. Lol. Been trying to make myself make an appointment for the past 4 months.
I feel like I’m on the verge of a nervous breakdown and I know it’s because of my ADHD and peri menopause; not to sound dramatic but I honestly have been feeling like I might not make it out of this and will be another statistic, I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I was once hospitalized after a miscarriage for this same feeling; of course I was sad about the miscarriage but this and that is a different kind of feeling, it’s not a sad because of loss feeling; I feel empty inside, can’t sleep (for over 10 years), I can’t function, feel hollow inside, brain fog that is almost inexplainable, joint pain, you name it. I now know this is hormones but doesn’t stop me from wishing to not wake up; I have been dealing with these hormone issues my whole life and add the ADHD to it and I honestly feel like, game over, I’m done, someone please take me out.
Hey friend, I hear you. I have had a number of moments over the years, including the last few days, of not being able to take it anymore. So much joint pain, so much insomnia, so much sadness, so much shit! I cannot find relief from these debilitating symptoms, and many times, it just feels like too much. I'm turning 45 next week, I've been experiencing terrible peri symptoms since I was 37, and it all feels so unfair. When will it end? Why does it have to be so bad? Why is there so little help out there for us? I just want you to know you are not alone, and this shit is the worst. Hugs!
Definitely relate to article, I had a best friend for 20 years that occasionally would annoy me with negative/critical comments which I would easily/quickly move on from. When I hit my mid 40's my threshold for stress got lower and lower and I became increasingly "triggered" by her comments. I became unable to tolerate anything she said and had to completely cut off the relationship.