image transcription:
a partial screenshot of YouTube mobile app with a thumbnail of Linus Torvalds addressing audience on the top, and comments section at the bottom.
a commenter(@Neurochrom) says, "Is that the id10t who made this horrific os that's taking over the world by being dumping price and open?[sic]".
Besides that tragic accident (fuck alcohol) and with all due respect: That guy has his priorities completely messed up.
The moment he got trampled on for asking for support he should have dropped that project. Into a deep, deep pit. Probably would have been hired in an instant for a lot of cash to continue to maintain it under the direction of one of the FAANGs.
I gnash my teeth and cry into my pillow every night because I'm not being data harvested by Microsoft. I open my taskbar and wail, for there are no ads to be displayed.