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Your friendly reminder that we're still hodling not just to get rich but to force fundamental, positive change throughout the stock market.

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/LassannnfromImgur on 2023-06-27 21:14:32+00:00.

The stock market is in no way fair. It's rigged against you and me and in favor of the billionaire insiders who cheat with every breath they can muster. No amount of money is enough for them because they are malignant narcissists. That means they love themselves for being rich and hate the poor for not being rich. They ravenously want to take away even the little money we currently have.

They despise anything and everything that would promise to benefit us, working class retail investors, and they would love to take away all those benefits to have only for themselves: charities, health care, insurance, democracy itself. Naked short selling has been illegal since 2008 but they have never stopped doing it since then and they won't unless WE force them to.

So let us daily remind ourselves that we hodl out of a desire for sheer vengeance. When MOASS begins, and one day it will, we must not sell the instant we become millionaires or even billionaires.

We must not sell.

If completely locking the float and then refusing to sell no matter how high the share price goes completely destroys the stock market, then that is what we must do: utterly break it. The criminally fraudulent hedge funds deserve this. We, even we here, hodl the power and bear the responsibilty.

I would have flaired this as "venting" if that were an option.