[GNOME] Flat Remix is actually pretty nice
[GNOME] Flat Remix is actually pretty nice
- Distro: NixOS
- Icons: Flat-Remix-Red-Dark
- GTK Theme: Flat-Remix-GTK-Red-Darkest
- GTK4 Theme: Custom (based on GTK 2/3 theme)
- Qt5 Theme: Custom (based on GTK 2/3 theme)
- Shell Theme: Flat-Remix-Red-Dark
- Librewolf User.js: GNOME Firefox Theme
- Cursors: Breeze-Dark
- Arrangement: GNOME
- Wallpaper: Red Forest
- Main Font: Cantarell
- Monospace Font: Source Code Pro
- Oh-My-Zsh Theme: Agnoster
- Fetch Tool: Hyfetch
how make enby neofetch
4 0 Replyhyfetch
5 0 Replythank you, may your life be full of blessings
3 0 Reply
It looks good! but it will be better if the maximise, minimise and restore is in the same style
1 0 ReplyYeah, I've been trying to figure out how to do that.
2 0 Reply
looks nice the titlebar transparency should be fixed tho
1 0 ReplyWhat's to fix? I am using UserJS to make Librewolf look like that. This means that it can only use the Adwaita theme or the Maia theme.
1 0 Reply
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