Which is just another reason why the aversion to immigration on display by such large parts of EU society at the moment is just so freaking dumb and counterproductive.
I agree with you, but you can't just change the demographic makeup of any territory without some resistance from the native population. Push back is to be expected. You can tell Europeans "your people will go extinct without this", the rational response would be to accept it, but people aren't always rational.
Well, let's wait until the Boomers go into retirement and the economy really crashes, due to the lack of manpower. Maybe some people will change their view on immigration then.
Since 2006 it is about migration to and from Germany is about equal. A lot of Turks moved back to Turkey as the economy grew and well with a German pension Turkey is a great place to live, especially when you speak the langauge and have family there.
Other then that the Turkey has natural population growth and Syrians and other migrants moving to Turkey.
Ireland is interesting here. I don’t believe they have as many people immigrating to them as other countries, which indicates this is mostly people not leaving as was widespread until the 00’s.
You mean people don't want to live in wartorn and just plain shitty countries and flee to more progressive and human right focused countries. Weird. And now those shitty countries just get shittier because those that could leave did and they are usually the healthy/smart people.