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Leftist Infighting: A community dedicated to allowing leftists to vent their frustrations Comrade MLGJoe

TikTok Sucks

It's very clear that TikTok causes brain rot:

  • hours upon hours of scrolling;
  • damaged attention spans;
  • boring lip sync "memes";
  • whatever the fuck my little brother is watching;
  • KKKringy song over equally KKKringe footage;
  • TWs for almost literally anything. I've seen [TW: Aesthetic];
  • iPad kids

You know? This applies to YT shorts. Now my attention span is so short I can't even read theory for 5 minutes without thinking "What's on TikTok?"

Let's not even forget the KKKringe-ass use of 733tspeak, wtf man.

If I ever have kids, I'd waste my entire bank account just to stop them from getting in this hellhole of a site.

  • Yes, TikTok is a nightmare and pushes ideology, softcore pornography, mindless dopamine hits and affects children of several countries. The Chinese company takes the opportunity that there are no legislation to regulate the content of these social media, so they push the most addictive content possible, in hopes to profit from marketing.

    China has a regulation of social media, hence why the Chinese TikTok (Douyin) does not push this kind of content in the country.

    • I plan on having TikTok banned after the revolution.

      • Just try not to fuel the ideological discourse to ban TikTok because this serves the interest of US monopolies on social media, who directly benefit from the banning of TikTok and regain monopoly on discourse and public opinion. More like opposition to banning but a demand to regulate TikTok, is a much better discourse. In fact, a regulation on social media in general.

  • I think social media in general is a double edged sword. It’s great in so many ways but due to the lack of teaching critical thinking it makes the spread and infection of disinformation very effective. My TikTok feed is usually pretty good but I have had the occasional anti-China, or just super Liberal stupidity pop up here and there but I just click not interested and move on. My main issue is with YouTube shorts. That’s where all the reactionary shit is. I swear to. God no matter how often I flag those types of shorts they still keep coming! I’ll be watching Dimension 20 shorts and then BOOM I see Amala Ekpunobi telling me how she was “trained to be a victim” because of other kids touching her hair. I know that treating a black person’s hair as just something you can gawk at and touch as you please is racist, but Ekpunobi was using the worst example of this situation ever. I’m almost 100% certain she was not sincere with her story. Anyway the comments were eating it up, as usual, so I proceeded to whisk that shit away and then report a shit ton of her videos because they are disgusting shit.

  • damn your feed sucks. TikTok is awesome. I get great political content, good recipes, and funny stuff. The only good network. Get Kuaishou as well.

    • I think the point is that the vast majority of mainstream TikTok is brainrot and it can harm your ability to concentrate even if you’ve found some decent content.

      • Hard disagree. You say you haven't even used the app. It's way better than IG, YT, Discord combined. China's apps are just better. The 'crap' you are seeing is based on personal algorithms, my algorithm is awesome. TT isn't just some niche community, it's massive worldwide and the worst aspects are easily avoidable and are just indicative of the western majority... I use it to 'search' for more useful information more than regular search engines. Most westerns have no conceptual media training and it shows.

  • This applies to all social media.