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Here’s what Blair (aka Iilluminaughtii) Should Say…

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/Impressive-Cost3173 on 2023-06-25 19:10:49+00:00.

If she says anything close to this, I’mma sue her ass! Here we go…

“In the past few weeks, I have realized the folly of my behavior, and have come to terms with how my actions have hurt others. Wonder, I should have never aired your mental health struggles for all to see, nor should I have painted you to be such a negligent person. You deserve better than that. Click, the context you provided to the Discord situation was spot on, and I was wrong for treating it, and you, otherwise. One Topic, I should have shown you more respect than I did, and I apologize. And Oz, while I played up my emotions about the end of our friendship in a misleading way, I genuinely care about you as a person, and a friend. I am sorry to all four of you, and it’s clear that I did much more harm than I thought. Wonder, you don’t have to worry about a lawsuit… please donate that money to the Trevor Project, and in fact, I’ll match your donation. Oz and others, don’t worry about lawsuits… I was trying to intimidate, but there isn’t a case here, and I don’t plan to pursue one.

To my ex boyfriend, I’m sorry. I was overly defensive, and should not have behaved the way I did. I apologize for that.

And to all who plan to visit me in the future, you have my word that I will not throw my turds in the trash can out of desperation. The next time I shit out Mona Lisa’s arm, I’ll try to split that log the way everyone else does.

And to my fans, I promise to do better and grow from this incident. I want to do better because you all deserve that.


Blair “Sarah J Warren” Zon”