Looks kinda like a woodlouse hunter. Though the coloring seems darker, but body type seems similar and it looks like it has the same nasty grabbing chelicerae. You could try putting it up on spiderid.com to see if someone can tell you more difinitively.
The bite of the Broad Faced Sac Spider is initially painful and often produces a painful erythema, similar to that of a bee or wasp sting. This is also due to the large fangs of the Trachelas tranquillus. Some people who are sensitive to arthropod venom may experience more severe reactions. Overall, its bite is not considered medically significant.
Sac spiders are more often seen in autumn when temperatures fall outside and they hide into warmer houses.
I don’t think this is a brown recluse. The brown recluse has a larger, flat, brown-to-dark-grey front segment to its body, which typically has a very distinctive violin/fiddle marking.
Edit: just throwing out that I still appreciate the concern even though I’m disagreeing.