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Pat Robertson, broadcaster who helped make religion central to GOP politics, dies at 93 Pat Robertson, broadcaster who helped make religion central to GOP politics, dies at 93

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson has died. He had an enormous impact on American politics and religion. Robertson turned a tiny Virginia television station into the far-reaching Christian Broadcasting Network, where he hosted the flagship “700 Club” show for half a century. Robertson ran for pres...

Pat Robertson, broadcaster who helped make religion central to GOP politics, dies at 93

Pat Robertson, a religious broadcaster who turned a tiny Virginia station into the global Christian Broadcasting Network, tried a run for president and helped make religion central to Republican Party politics in America through his Christian Coalition, has died. He was 93.

Robertson’s death Thursday was confirmed in an email by his broadcasting network. No cause was given.

  • in 1988, and from that experience founded the Christian Coalition, which helped cement the Republican Party's enduring alliance with evangelical voters.

    We'll be dealing with the damage he's done for years, if not decades. Good. Riddance.

  • "No cause", eh? Pretty sure it was because he was 93. And, a vile rot of a meatbag, but mostly the age.

  • Good fucking riddance. Scroll down to just past the halfway mark in the article (beginning with "At times, his on-air pronouncements drew criticism.") where it recaps everything you actually need to know about this shit human being.