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iilluminaughtii Channel Stagnation

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/Apollo_GTR on 2023-06-25 02:01:13+00:00.

She's barely pulling 50k views a video now and is still getting ratio'd to shit on them. Her latest has just over 30k views and has nearly 4x as many dislikes as likes and I cannot find a single positive comment.

Her career is officially a smoldering trainwreck and whilst that does bring me some karmic joy, I'd still rather see her banned off the platform because frankly it's the very least she deserves. Better yet, I hope her attempted legal spiel blows up in her face (I suspect it will) and just dogpiles on her already irreparably damaged career.

I cannot stress how awful a person she is, it actually astounds me.