[Question] How to get email working on Lemmy-Ansible install?
I used the ansible method to install Lemmy on a DigitalOcean VPS. They do block port 25 and there is no way around that. I tried to change the port from 25 to 465 in the config.hjson file but still no luck. I am super new to this but I want to get this working so bad. I'm so close! The site is working fine, just no emails. I've checked spam, trash, etc. - nothing is getting sent.
Since you're getting logs via docker compose you should either be in the directory that holds docker-compose.yml or specify the full path to the file using -f flag.
Use mailgun free account or something similar. If you don’t your emails will land in spam even if you do get it working on a vps (which many including DigitaOceam dont allow emails due to spam)
I don't remember exactly since it was long ago but i believe its: make a mailgun account (make sure you disable the free trial so it doesnt automatically sign you up for the paid service) generate a new mailbox and save the info it gives you and in your config.hjson add your smtp server "smtp.mailgun.org:465", smtp login: "[email protected]", smtp password: "randomcharacters", a from_address like: "Lemmy noreply ", and set the tls type to "tls"
If thats all the steps let me know so I can make a request to have it added to the wiki of https://lemmyadmin.site