It's a good reminder that he identifies with, understands, and supports consumers, and recognizes that people invest their hard earned money into physical video games.
I find it interesting. For one consumers are buying drive less consoles so they are talking with their wallets. (takes money to buy whisky) if consumers move forward then they GameStop need to move forward.
I agree with a lot of critics in regards to hardware. I had a Xbox and tried my hardest to not buy disks. I bought everything as download. I then moved away from Xbox to switch with downloads only and now use GeForce.
I've been moving away from physical for as long as I've been gaming. That's my choice. I want to buy from GameStop. But I don't want to buy overpriced discs. They take up space and if I return them I get a penny back. Great for GameStop as they get to double dip on a product and great for margins.
Now here's the issue with this particular tweet in my head. He's not advocating for consumers or the environment in this instance but for GameStops revenue systems. Rather than attacking consumers for their choices, which is silly in itself he should be focusing on getting gaming online. If GameStop has an online marketplace to buy and sell old and new games. Best of both worlds.
Just my opinion on the subject. I think both Sony and Xbox are moving forward and will be reducing hardware aspects. Microsoft has partnered with GeForce and already has an online presence. Sony is dragging it's feet but has an online catalog and is trying to fight Nintendo on handhelds.
With improvements in broadband and higher bandwidth levels online is becoming more accessible. It's not as good as consoles at the moment but it is getting better year after year. GameStop will be left in the dust if it doesn't keep up the pace. Yes it can have a boutique experience and sell extras and be fun. But it needs a more robust online service with the ability to buy online games.
We don't know if he's still involved with Apple. Only source of his ownership is an old media article, he never reached the threshold of ownership to file publicly which means he also could have exited the position at any time.
Good point. But curious why did he decide to come out after being radio silent for quite long time and get involved in Apple's war specialy given that he is now CEO of a public traded company. Trying to capitalize by siding with common people? His personal opinion? Who knows!