Right so we just implement socialist policies in housing.
I mean, water, power, education, healthcare are all heavily regulated or controlled by the government. Why not housing? It is a basic human need after all more of a basic need than education (not saying education should change).
We really need to start limiting the number of properties/parcels/acres that any one entity can own. It's really the only way to stop corporations from taking over.
I bought a house before the pandemic (just barely, and with a lot of help, but still) and even I want it to pop. It's ridiculous. Even setting aside my objections to housing as an investment, a house should not be your entire retirement plan.
If it is a bubble that's going to pop, it'll most likely happen alongside a recession. The price of groceries may drop, but alongside a lot of jobs lost or fear of losing your job.
It's not just them, it's everyone, just say different times. The moment the world allowed, & even heralded, wealth extraction over wealth creation everyone lost. Well, not everyone, a small number of people won impressively, like generational wealth levels, but we speak of them fondly. We assign labels like entrepreneur & genius to those folk.