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Taxing questions: is National glossing over the likely cost of administering its new ‘revenue measures'? Taxing questions: is National glossing over the likely cost of administering its new ‘revenue measures'?

The National Party’s tax package may be a middle-income vote winner, but it avoids the core problem of tax-free wealth. And how much the new system would cost to operate is far from clear.

Taxing questions: is National glossing over the likely cost of administering its new ‘revenue measures'?

Here are some random quotes from the article that basically sum it up, IMO.

Relief measures aimed at superannuitants include promising to increase NZ Super annually – although that already happens under the current scheme

As the tax policy makes clear, short-term concerns about the cost of living trump longer-term considerations about climate change.

Generally, two of the new proposals appear to gloss over the massive IT costs that tend to accompany new taxes.

What the package does not do is engage with the problem of tax-free wealth.

there isn’t a lot here for the least well off. But these are probably not the voters National is after.