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Government wants to 'flood the market' to make houses more affordable - how will that work?
  • That's easy to say, but the truth is landlords are absolutely held accountable. The tenancy tribunal is heavily in favour of the tenant, meaning the burden of proof is on the landlord, which is fair enough.

    I posted a story here a few days ago about a landlord getting reamed out over dodgy practices actually.

  • Government wants to 'flood the market' to make houses more affordable - how will that work?
  • Yup.

    It's weird that National are doing more about housing affordability than Labour, given that National are typically the party of business, while Labour are supposed to, you know, look after the working class

    And there is nothing in that proposition that is especially difficult to do, meaning it will probably happen.

  • Wellingtonians' overall satisfaction with city falls to record low, but arts scene rich and diverse

    But more than 80 percent of survey respondents say the arts scene is rich and diverse.

    Wellingtonians' overall satisfaction with city falls to record low, but arts scene rich and diverse

    Pretty grim result, but I think it's fair. I haven't felt the CBD is a particularly safe place to be for a long time, and the reason for that is some of the residents, who, to put it nicely, you can never quite predict what they will do next.

    And, of course, there's the state of the infrastructure.

    AI for school tutoring, instant medical analysis part of NZ's future - Judith Collins
  • Collins told RNZ she already uses ChatGPT to write drafts of her speeches.

    She seems exactly the type. There's something about AI enthusiasts I really don't like, and I find it difficult to put into words, but it's a certain combination of undeserved optimism and for the technology, an unshakeable belief that it will solve all our problems, and perhaps the most infuriating thing, a blindness to just how fucking weird AI responses typically are.

    And given that Judith is probably a lizard person in a skin suit, it doesn't surprise me she's blind to AI weirdness.

  • Landlord told foreign affairs staffer Saudi govt entourage was to visit his Wellington home

    The tenant, a Ministry of Foreign Affairs staffer, had concerns about the Saudis being in his home.

    Landlord told foreign affairs staffer Saudi govt entourage was to visit his Wellington home

    Quite a fascinating series of events actually, it sounds like the landlord/realtor has let her attitude cost her a large amount of money, and will continue to do so if she appeals the case.

    It's good to see her getting pulled up like this though.

    4 Former Nelson mayor Rachel Reese confronted by terrifying intruder who ‘claimed’ her house

    The intruder was charged with a low-level offence and he was convicted and discharged. But, that wasn't the end of it.

    Former Nelson mayor Rachel Reese confronted by terrifying intruder who ‘claimed’ her house

    >The 41-year-old man was initially charged with unlawfully being in a building and on 1 March, he appeared in the Nelson District Court before a community magistrate who convicted and discharged him.

    Uhh, what the fuck? How did anyone think letting this person go was a reasonable thing to do?

    7 Alleged illegal cigarette factory uncovered in Christchurch

    Customs and police stumbled upon the factory when investigating a burglary of 80kg of tobacco.

    Alleged illegal cigarette factory uncovered in Christchurch

    Quite fascinating that illegally manufacturing cigarettes is now a worthwhile endeavour for someone.

    4 Transpower makes announcement after major Northland outage

    The power pylon that fell last Thursday was due to contractors removing too many nuts, Transpower chief executive Alison Andrew says.

    Transpower makes announcement after major Northland outage

    Updated story

    They undid the bolts, and it fell over.

    8 Break-up legal claim: Woman seeks $27k over takeaways, car for man met on dating site

    The woman is taking a man she met on a dating site to the Disputes Tribunal after the relationship ended just months after it began.

    Break-up legal claim: Woman seeks $27k over takeaways, car for man met on dating site

    Another relationship situation ending up at Disputes tribunal, this time being partly successful.

    15 Aratere ferry had steering overhaul three weeks before grounding in Picton

    The Interislander ferry only recently underwent wet dock maintenance, which included the replacement of its steering system.

    Aratere ferry had steering overhaul three weeks before grounding in Picton

    There is an article linked within that one that goes into more detail, but the cause of the grounding has been confirmed as a steering failure.

    She's a long way up the shore, so it will take a lot of force to get her off the beach, I think.

    3 Green MP Darleen Tana OK’d migrant on fruit-picker visa for job in husband’s bike shop

    Green MP Darleen Tana has been stood down since initial allegations of migrant exploitation at her husband's bike business. Now a worker's messages raise fresh questions.

    Green MP Darleen Tana OK’d migrant on fruit-picker visa for job in husband’s bike shop

    Paying people in cash, hiring workers not allowed to work for them on the visa they have, paying people late, there's a lot of dodgy stuff here actually.

    8 Woman takes boyfriend to Disputes Tribunal for breach of contract after he misses airport drop off

    A woman was so unhappy that her boyfriend failed to take her to the airport, meaning she missed a flight to a concert, that she took him to the Disputes Tribunal for a breach of contract.

    Woman takes boyfriend to Disputes Tribunal for breach of contract after he misses airport drop off

    I thought this was pretty funny. Probably for the best the case was unsuccessful, of course.

    7 Live: Tens of thousands lose power amid outages across Northland, Far North

    Northpower says most of its 65,000 customers have been affected by outages across nearly the entire region after a tower fell near Kumeū.

    Live: Tens of thousands lose power amid outages across Northland, Far North

    I've never seen an entire tower fall over like that, that's kinda terrifying.

    22 Realtor Janet Dickson's refusal to learn Māori values goes to court

    An Auckland real estate agent is taking a principled stand that has consequences, her lawyer says.

    Realtor Janet Dickson's refusal to learn Māori values goes to court

    This is such a strange thing to require someone to know, especially when she doesn't deal with Maori land, and all sale is the same legally regardless of the ethnicity of the buyer. And the justification given for making this mandatory is incredibly tenuous, in my view.

    17 'Miracle' needed for NZDF plane to get Christopher Luxon home - Judith Collins

    The official plane the prime minister was travelling won't be fixed in time, the Defence Minister says.

    'Miracle' needed for NZDF plane to get Christopher Luxon home - Judith Collins

    So two points here, first, didn't this dingus promise to take commercial flights to save money anyway?

    Second, this is getting embarrassing for NZ that this keeps happening.

    4 Waikato Expressway crash: Police thank people who gave CPR to victim

    Passersby desperately tried to save a person struck on SH1, but they died at the scene.

    Waikato Expressway crash: Police thank people who gave CPR to victim

    I'm trying to work out the series of events here, because it's quite bizarre. This person was in a car crash, and then decided to cross the center median barrier, and walk in front of traffic coming the other way? Looking at the photo, they had to walk a reasonable distance and cross a safety barrier to reach the other lane.

    2 Public Service Commission to conduct inquiry after Te Pāti Māori data allegations

    The Public Service Commission's been directed to investigate after allegations Te Pāti Māori misused data during the 2023 election campaign.

    Public Service Commission to conduct inquiry after Te Pāti Māori data allegations

    >A group of former workers at Manurewa Marae said private data from census forms was photocopied and entered into a database they believe was then used to target voters in the Tāmaki Makaurau electorate.

    How did anyone think this was even remotely acceptable?

    5 Teenage boy threatened with machete at Albany Bus Station in attempt to steal his shoes

    A mum says her son is terrified of taking the bus after being threatened by two boys with a machete - in an attempt to steal his shoes.

    Teenage boy threatened with machete at Albany Bus Station in attempt to steal his shoes

    How does this keep happening? Taking public transport shouldn't be anywhere near as dangerous as it currently is, this is getting ridiculous.

    Rebuke issued in stoush over volume of on-bus announcements for blind passengers

    This is such a bizarre thing to have such a blow up over. I don't use public transport, so I've never heard these announcements, are they really that bad?

    1 Seagliders' 35-minute trips to Auckland closer with $145m deal

    Seagliders and 35-minute trips between Whangārei and Auckland are a step closer.

    Seagliders' 35-minute trips to Auckland closer with $145m deal

    I'm pretty sceptical about ground effect planes, there's a very good reason why they've never really taken off, despite so many countries and organisations giving them a try over the years, but I'd love to know what everyone else thinks.

    22 MP's comments 'bang on' despite negative response from other parties - Te Pāti Māori

    Te Pāti Māori is standing by comments made by MP Mariameno Kapa-Kingi which other parties have called inflammatory and offensive.

    MP's comments 'bang on' despite negative response from other parties - Te Pāti Māori

    > In Parliament last Wednesday, Te Tai Tokerau MP Mariameno Kapa-Kingi said the government "will not waver in its mission to exterminate Māori".

    Tad hyperbolic, don't you think?

    27 Florist says Julie Anne Genter exchange was 'massive imbalance of power'

    The Wellington woman says she felt degraded and humiliated after being confronted by the Green MP.

    Florist says Julie Anne Genter exchange was 'massive imbalance of power'

    She sounds absolutely unhinged, going into someone's business just to pick a fight with them is straight up bullying behaviour.
