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YouTube Drama Lemmit.Online bot

I have that commentators talk about the ******* note in the illuminaughtii drama.

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/Neat_Seat7458 on 2023-06-15 13:40:57+00:00.


I don't really know these people. Sounds like illuminaughtii is a terrible person. But all the commentary channels coming for Blair for posting someone's ******* note, contribute to the problem by talking about it as well. It can be pretty triggering for people going through it, and I feel like the commentary channels talk about it more to hate on Blair, and less to show concern for the man who wrote it. I feel like the 'commentary' is eating itself. It's now a space where people just talk about each other. It's just drama, gossip, and tea that is simply 're-branded' as commentary. These are people's lives, not a reality TV show.

Edit to add: it's not about whether they show it or not. It's about the fact that they talk about it as evidence that Blair is a bad person, in order to get views on sponsored if that isn't contributing to the problem, and not problematic within itself.