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what is your opinion on the protest against API changes, and what do you think would be the best course of action in the next two weeks until those changes come into effect?

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/crappy_pirate on 2023-06-16 14:35:35+00:00.

first off let's put on an appropriate soundtrack

i am now in a position to be able to say that the protest is going to continue for this subreddit, at very least i plan to go restricted for two days of both weeks remaining to us, however i will also be going thru the mod queue and accept all of your requests to become approved users so that you can continue to use the forum.

please note that my motivation thru these past four weeks when all of this bullshit has gone down has been to keep this subreddit running in the way that you people, the users, want. the reason why i re-opened the sub on tuesday was because you guys obviously wanted to use it (considering there was something like 60 requests received at my end) and between then and now i'v been figuring out a potential plan of action, but first i should explain what has led me to think this way.

huffman saying that the shutdown didn't hurt him, and then later de-modding some mods and reopening their subreddits as Charlie shows in his video that i'v pinned next to this post. we were making a feint to try to get him to reverse these upcoming negative QoL changes to the experience of roughly 1 out of every 8 users, including every blind person on the website, and he's going "come on then! follow through!" which we didn't want to do but, welp, F A F O, right?

he's telling us (the mods and other users who are protesting) that we're like landed gentry, and i mean although he is technically correct about me, he's talking out of his arse about pretty much everyone else, and demonstrating a breathtaking lack of respect for the users who provide content for his website.

[besides, if there's anyone who fits the description of "landed gentry" then it is the lazy fucker who doesn't put in any actual work but instead profits from the sweat of others ... us.

fuck that. we'll go off and make our own casino, with blackjack and hookers. we'll go and walk 10 feet away and put together our own link-sharing website that is distributed and people can run their own instance of it in a hallway cupboard. he wants to act all high-and-mighty because his name is on the letterhead? coolo, he can have his enormous mansion that he'll get evicted from within weeks, we'll go and do our own thing instead.

now, you still listening to motorhead? good. if i typed the nickname of that absolute genius of a legend of metal, i would get banned from reddit two weeks before i plan on leaving. oh well ...

ooooh-kaaaaay, i just went thru and accepted a grand total of 80 people, 79 of you guys as well as myself, as approved users of this subreddit. if i had've followed the instructions from the admins that would have taken well over an hour, but thanks to the mod toolbox browser plugin it took less than 10 minutes. wow. that's a big difference, and demonstrates what is at the heart of this issue - the admins are taking away tools that people need in order to make our experience of this website not only tolerable but occasionally pleasant because they're pissed about not getting advertising revenue from the roughly 12% of users who access the site with 3rd-party phone apps. fuck that noise. they promised to not touch any of the moderation apps (YET) and those apps pull much less data thru the API anyway but that "YET" is huge and dark an ominous, and there's no fucking way in fucking hell that i'm going to continue working for those gubba cunt fuckheads for fucking free while getting abused in the process.

i ain't here for their profit, i'm here for your convenience. subreddits are about the users, not the mods or the dickhead who owns majority stake of the building that the servers are housed in. no, this whole website is all about and all thanks to YOU, the users. you're the people who have provided the content that gets aggragated here, and it has been my pleasure to clean up the shit whenever hateful losers throw it at the fan again like has been happening for the past week over here and the past 24 hours over in the magical land of freedom that was lovingly named after a music great.

and it is on that note that i must sadly? no, happily announce that i have absolutely no wish to moderate this community over there, and i don't have to either! other people have made various "communities" (that's what subreddits are called) on many different "instances" which is what they call individual servers. see, that link-aggragating program or whatever it is doesn't exist in a central, tightly-controlled server, oh no! instead the physical computing is distributed between all of the homes where those boxes live, and then they share log files of what content and comments have been posted with each other, and when synced properly they are called "federated" hense the description of the network being the "fediverse" apparently. i can understand it myself but i'm old and i'm tired and it's been a long week so i can't be bothered explaining it any further than that. also, i wanna head off in a different direction now and start getting back into music. i used to be a professional dancer so that's more my scene than multiple faces-for-radio screaming abuse at each other for doing horrible things when they really shouldn't be at all surprised considering how much they represent flaming dumpster fires except with muffin-top leggings instead of shopping trolley wheels

oh yeh, there's another complication. when i went over to have a look at things over there, i noticed that one of the hateful angrybois has squatted on the community name on the largest instense, which is absolutely fine by me. he has no idea what he's doing or apparently even that the videos he puts there are relevant to the name of the community, but hey - more power to him. he's on the "world" instence, but there are other instances, like reddthat or vlemmy, where you would be able to find a home that's better than this dump or maybe you can just work around the clueless mod over there and make it work anyway. there's even a "magazine" on that seems to be a direct clone of this place. at any rate, unless someone either finds me over there or DMs me here then i'm just gonna take the pointy hat off and GTFO at the end of the month. huffman thinks stripping mod right from me would be a punishment. he's fucken wrong

anyway, there's two weeks before then, and there's 80 of us who are approved to use the subreddit when the place is set to restricted mode. i'm planning on blanking out the sub from tuesday to thursday next week and the weekend after, for no better reason than it will deny the suits at the top of their ivory tower a third of their advertising revenue for the time. fuck 'em sideways in the ear with an icepick, says i, and if i get banned for that then i'll laugh and wave and put on my sunglasses while i GTFO without the door hitting me in the butt on the way out

what do you guys rekon? i'v just laid the cards on the table for you and also gave you my two-weeks notice. would someone like to be modded up to replace me here? would you want to go to one of the places over there where i have had some influence? or would you rather me just fuck off right now and leave you to put up with the spam and the corporate trolls who still infest the place yourselves? i'll stand by whatever the majority decision of the subreddit is.