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Thoughts on the Bowblax alt account drama

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/Dear-Track6365 on 2023-06-16 07:30:26+00:00.

Was just curious as to what everyone’s thoughts were on the Bowblax drama where on stream he exposed his own alt account where he says ‘edgy’ stuff including using the n-word with the hard r. ( in fact, he says live on stream that he’s disappointed he can no longer say the n-word on that account because it’s been exposed ).

He’s trying to spin the ‘I’m just playing a character/social experiment’ argument, the usual suspects are there to back him up, and he’s now going around falsely flagging and striking any comments or videos talking about this even here on Reddit. Dude literally becoming the kind of people he makes his videos about.

Anyway, curious for everyone’s thoughts before Bowblax strikes this thread lol. Do you think it’s no big deal and overblown or..?